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Yep. Poor Corbin will be castrated before the night is over.

"Be a shitty friend, or sing soprano for the rest of your life. Your choice," I say ominously, still glaring at the door, waiting on him to be a total cock-block so I can unleash hell.

The hallway grows silent, and Dane and I stay in our very intimate position, both of us quietly watching and waiting. After a few minutes, Corbin curses more, and walks away to where we hear muttered arguments.

A few things are said about threats and castration, which means he made the smart decision, and I turn my attention back to a grinning Dane.

"Moment ruined?" he asks, daring to pretend as though I'd let him out of here now that he's promised himself to me.

"Chickening out already?" I huff, crossing my arms over my chest.

A slight squeal escapes me when I'm tossed onto my back, and Dane's hard, strong body becomes positioned between my legs once more. The glint in his eyes is anything but humorous right now. Determination has a look, and this is it.

"No, Rain. No more mind-fucking games," he says, confusing me before crushing his lips to mine.

After that, all other thoughts are pretty much banished, because it's impossible to think when Dane Sterling's tongue is doing wicked things inside your mouth. It's even harder to think when that same devilish tongue is working its way down your body.

"Damn dress. I think you enjoy driving me out of my fucking mind," he murmurs as the bottom of my dress starts sliding up, slowly leaving me exposed with nothing but the thin shreds of lace covering me.

As the dress hits the floor, Dane stares down at my body and mutters something about me not going anywhere this time, but I can't ask him to clarify because that damn tongue is back on me. Only this time, it's very close to where I've fantasized about it being for... a very long time.

We skipped the foreplay when we were kids because, well, we were kids. The second Dane slips my underwear to the side and presses his tongue right where I want him to, I regret not having foreplay.

Some embarrassing noise escapes my lips in a half-cry/half-whimpering medley, but that only earns a growl from Dane as he works his tongue in a way that is very illegal in many countries. He slowly peels my panties down, his mouth moving only briefly. Then his lips find me again as he pushes my panties down my legs. If I've ever shattered quicker, I can't remember it.

My panties never even made it all the way off me. They're stopped somewhere between my knees and my thighs.

His name tears through my lips, and my body stiffens while also trying to tremble, as a series of overwhelming aftershocks violently travel through me. Dane's smile against my most sensitive area doesn't exactly help things. Even his breath is driving me crazy right now.

"You didn't give me time to enjoy that for very long, and I've waited a while to do it," he teases, and if I wasn't so utterly spent right now, I would probably blush or at least have the decency to be embarras


I'm panting as though I just did something strenuous, and no words leave my mouth when I open it. Shit. Did I forget how to speak?

Wet lips on mine decimate the incoherent thoughts in my mind as my body moves on its own. Idly, I realize my panties are now gone, but my bra is still on me. Dane's body is very clothed, and I don't like it.

My hands tangle in his hair again as that talented tongue finds its way inside my mouth once more. His hands travel over me, touching me in places I never thought they would again, and they reacquaint themselves with my somewhat different body. I'm not an eighteen-year-old girl anymore, and judging by his throaty moans, he approves.

Even though my arms now feel like they weigh fifty pounds apiece, I manage to pull Dane's shirt over his head with a less than graceful motion. He chuckles as I limply tug him back to me.

When's the last time I had sex? I can't remember.

"You're cute after you've had an or—"

I cut him off by kissing him hard, because I don't want to be cute right now. I want to be irresistible or sexy or anything but frigging cute.

My bra is either broken or unclipped—unsure which one—and then tossed to the floor, leaving me completely bare beneath him. I've always been a little uncomfortable when I'm naked around a guy, but not with Dane. Everything feels so... right.

I reach for him, fumbling with his very uncooperative belt and zipper. I'm two seconds away from screaming in frustration when Dane takes pity on me, laughing a little before he gets rid of those damn shorts.

When his boxers are the only thing separating us, I might whimper. Just a little. My fantasy is on top of me, his lips and tongue are on my body, and his hands are strumming me in places that make my eyes roll back and my toes curl.

I reach into his boxers—on purpose this time—and take his firm flesh into my hand, tugging at him as I gauge his size with a whole new appreciation. He trembles a little, and then reaches down and places his hand over mine.

"Fucking shit, Rain. We can't... Fuck, we can't do this," he groans, letting out a few more curses.

Someone is going to die tonight.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance