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The problem? I'm fairly positive she sucks at retrieving limes. I laugh when the sloppy exchange becomes pointless because Rain still hasn't gotten it. In an effort to keep her from torturing me more, I pull back to spit the lime out.

"Damn lime," I mumble through a snicker, but as soon as it's gone, her lips are back on mine, shocking the hell out of me.

My grip on her becomes almost desperate when her tongue sweeps in, and I debate going caveman and hauling her ass inside right now—before her sanity or sobriety returns.

Even as I surrender, the nagging voice in my head is trying to remind me she's been drinking all damn day. I'm the good guy; the guy who stops this right now.

Another sweep of her tongue pushes aside the saint to make way for the devil.

Fuck it.

I'll be a stronger man tomorrow. Right now, all I want to do is give in.



I've waited too long for this to let it end now, so he'd better not stop kissing me. I'd hate to make his own cousins kick his ass. And I would. I really would.

"Rain," he murmurs against my lips, cursing himself a

s he tries to put some separation between us, but he fails.

"What the fuck, Dane?" Maverick scolds, causing me to groan in frustration.

I almost want to slap Maverick. This is Dane. Not some loser copping a feel. They know better, and they'd better not scare him away. I will seek revenge.

"Shut it, Mav," I grumble, leaning into Dane once again and forcing my lips against his, pulling him as close as possible.

He groans long and loud, seeming torn about what to do, but he finally kisses me back and loses all restraint. Everything on me tingles in response, and all the unresolved emotions I buried long ago crash to the surface.

"Dane! Fucking stop!" Corbin growls, a chair sliding to warn me he's on his way over.

"Touch him and I'll break your balls, Corbin," I mumble against Dane's lips.

Dane's throaty chuckle vibrates against my chest, and I can't help but grin.

"She's drunk," Dale says, adding to the frigging cock-block fest. I'm so paying them back for this.

"Sober enough," I murmur, making Dane's laughter return.

At least he's still kissing me, and damn does it feel good.

"He's drunk," Maverick chides.

"Sober enough," Dane says with a grin, his words muffled when he refuses to fully break the kiss.

Chills cover me as everyone around us groans. Dane stands, keeping me wrapped around him. A thrill shoots through me, because he starts carrying me away, moving us toward the house.

“Let ‘em go,” Kade says, both him and Raya laughing after us.

This is it. I wanted to talk first, but fuck it. I'm tired of making plans for tomorrow. I'm ready to live today. To hell with the consequences.

He's forced to navigate blindly, because I'm not about to let go. Our tongues are hot and heavy against each other, both of us hungry for all the other will give. I'm pretty sure those pathetic moans are coming from me, but I really don't care.

Something crashes to the ground, but neither of us rip free from the near savage embrace. We leave behind one room after another, something tumbling behind us after every clumsy turn.

Dane's kiss is... damn. It's carnal, raw, desperate, as though he's felt the same way I have these past six years. And I can't get enough.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance