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"So?" Viv prompts. She's dying to know if I've had a stroke of genius yet.

"I've got a couple of things lined up," I say with a grin. "I'll send you some of the rough drafted pages. I've written ten pages a piece."

"What do you mean? More than one book?" she asks, trying not to sound too hopeful.

"Three books."

Surprisingly enough, after just two weeks of being back home, my mind is brimming with new ideas, and I love it. I feel like I'm me again.

"So you found your inspiration. Thank God."

Until she said those words, I haven't thought anything about why I'm suddenly bubbling over with new material. Then he walks into my room, reminding me exactly why I'm inspired again.

"Feel like Chinese tonight?" Dane asks, taunting me with his irresistible shirtless body.

"Who's that?" Viv asks, whispering as though she's eavesdropping on something scandalous.

Oh boy. This is going to earn a squeal.

"It's Dane," I say after cutting the volume way down.

She does scream, but fortunately, my preparations have paid off and I can barely hear her.

"Sorry," Dane says as I slowly start cutting the volume back up. "I didn't know you were on the phone."

"It's fine," I say as he nears me. "It's just Viv about some of my new works."

I lean back as he pushes my shirt up, and I hold my breath as he checks over the fading marks on my stomach.

"They're fine, Dane. Don't worry. If they were going to get infected, they would have done so in the first few days. Not two weeks later."

He shrugs while letting my shirt fall back into place, and then he looks at me expectantly, still waiting on an answer.

"Chinese sounds good," I say with a dorky grin.

His smile is rewarding, an

d he thumbs my chin before walking away. I love having him all to myself, but I'm really starting to miss the guys. Dane refuses to let them come over until he's certain I'm healed.

"So?" Viv prompts impatiently.

Hell, I forgot she was even on the phone.

"I had surgery, and Dane has been hanging out with me, checking to make sure I'm okay."

I aim for casual, but I know it won't work on Viv. Not after that damn tequila-tell-all night. Stupid tequila.

"Whatever. Spill the truth," she retorts.

"That is the truth. We've decided to be friends."

I hate the friend zone, but it's better than what I had with him before. I thought I was okay without Dane in my life, but now that I have him back, I realize what a true wreck I really was.

"Really, Rain? That's all I get?"

Chinese... We should go out instead of eating in again.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance