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I shrug and look back down to my plate. "That's what friends are for."

"I'll return the favor one day. The next time you get arrested, I'll come bail you out. Promise."

His attempt to make me smile has worked. I snort while shaking my head. "I've never been arrested, so you can't say next time. And I'll never be arrested because I'm not some idiot willing to break into a closed facility."

"Ouch," Corbin jokes, rubbing his hand over his heart. "Idiot?"

I smile and nod, which makes both of them laugh. Maverick stands when he feels he's successfully made me happy again, though nothing could be further from the truth.

"I'll go find our waitress and pay the tab. Make sure she eats at least a little more while I grab that one's number," he says to Corbin while pointing toward a redhead at the bar.

"Got it," Corbin says, grinning while I roll my eyes.

"Incorrigible mongrel," I mumble, earning a chuckle from Corbin.

Just as Maverick gets entangled at the bar, I spot a familiar face in the arms of the wrong man. My eyes widen when her lips press to his, and before I know what I'm doing, I stand up, ready to tear Fiona's head off.

Corbin follows my gaze and his eyes widen to match mine. "Not here, Rain," he says, standing and trying to tug at my hand, but I rip free, determined to call her every name in the book and humiliate her in the restaurant.

"Rain," he cautions, but when I don't halt, he grabs me at the waist, and pulls me up just high enough to keep my feet from touching the floor.

"Put me down," I hiss, but he shakes his head while carrying me away.

I don't know if it's because my world ended this morning, or the fact I just lost my best friend, or if it has something to do with the guy I loved suddenly enjoying being with my devil-spawned sister, but I snap. No—it's more than a snap. I go bat-shit crazy.

Corbin isn't as well-versed with handling me as Maverick, and he makes one major mistake. Holding me like this gives me so many access points. I grab a handful of sensitive flesh between his legs, catching him by surprise. A startled gasp and a painful cry rings out as I twist hard and bring him to his knees.

The second he drops his grip on me, I charge through the restaurant like a bull seeing red. The fear on her face registers before the shock, and within seconds, I'm sliding across her table like it's home-plate; y

elling like Xena the warrior princess as she goes to battle; and taking her down like I'm Mike Tyson. Well, maybe not Tyson, but I'm pulling her hair and slinging her head around like a pro.

She screams and gasps, still stunned by my sudden attack.

"Fuck," spews out of Maverick's mouth, but I don't see him until he's punching Fiona's piece of shit date.

Tables crash to the ground, glass shatters, and screams resound through the restaurant, but my attention stays focused on bitch-slapping the hell out of Dale's cheating fiancée. At least until I hear the first whoop of the siren. Damn it.

Chapter 5


I'm going to fucking kill them if they don't stop texting me. I already told them I'd be in and out of meetings all day. That's why I ignored their sorry asses last night. I should have called and told Rain to ignore them, too. A night in jail would have served them right.

I huff as I finally read one of the texts, and I can't help but burst out laughing.

Maverick: Hey, Jerkoff! Rain is in here too, so come get us now!

How the hell did they get Rain in trouble? Rain in jail? That's fucking hilarious. Little Miss Does No Wrong is stuck in a holding cell, praying for someone to come rescue her. Not me. I think it's about time the three of them grow up. My phone goes off again, and I glance down.

Maverick: She's hurt. She has stitches on her forehead, and a jail cell isn't good for wounds. Too many germs.

Fuck. What the hell did they do to her? My phone buzzes again as I excuse myself from the meeting.

Maverick: Cop just found my phone. Fuck.

Then I get another text from a Sterling I wasn’t expecting to hear from.

Dale: Go get them. I'll fill you in later. This one is on me.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance