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I was adopted into their little gang, and no one ever bothered me at school again—besides Tria. But she didn't have enough clout to make anyone else mess with my five bodyguards.

Dane is a Sterling now, but he wasn't always. His past—his jaded roots—make us kindred. It's one of the reasons I'm closer to him than anyone else here.

His birthfather is a mystery. His birthmother was actually an addict who left him unattended for days at a time. At ten, he ventured out into the streets of Chicago after not having eaten for over three days. He stopped at the shelter that was serving soup, and Elizabeth Sterling was there, volunteering during a mission trip.

She called around to every social worker in the area until she got someone on his case. She bypassed all the traditional steps and used her husband's name to hurry things along.

Dane's birthmother was found dead after a week-long investigation. Elizabeth, being the truly good saint she is, did everything in her power to make sure Dane got to come home with her to Sterling Shore. He went from starving and neglected to rich and healthy. He never forgot where he came from, and that jaded past sets him apart from the spoiled crowd.

To me, it makes him a stronger, more incredible person. He doesn't take anything for granted, and his compassion is incomparable to anything I've ever witnessed.

He's the one man in this room I view as more than a brother, though I'll never tell him that. Especially not now. Now that I'll have to—

"You need to make room, girl," Dane jokes, trying to snuggle in behind me on the couch.

I smile as I scoot up, giving him enough space, and his long, warm arms slip around me, gently tugging me to him. He nuzzles me so sweetly before pressing a soft kiss to my jaw, and then runs the kiss back to my ear.

It takes every ounce of my strength not to shiver. I don’t want to put my emotions on display. It's a very hard feat to accomplish when he's snuggled up like this with me.

"Why are you guys here? You're going to be late," I mumble as Dane's hand finds the bare skin of my stomach.

Skin on skin. Gah. It kills me every time.

Maverick frowns, as do the others.

"I came because you're my date, and you're here. Why these assholes followed me, I don't know," Dane teases, earning a few glares from the others.

"Date?" I muse, seeming lost under his spell—as usual. "How was I your date?"

"Who else was I going to dance with?" he asks simply, shrugging.

I wish it wasn't so easy for him to make me smile.

I can envision five very pissed off girls standing around in lavish prom dresses right now.

"You guys should go. It's just... I'm fine now," I mutter guiltily, but they all snort as though I've said something ludicrous instead of sensible.

"Not happening," Kode says as he plops down in the chair close to Dane and me. "Besides, I don't care anything about dancing. I prefer movies, pizza, and popcorn. It's the perfect prom night, if you ask me."

I manage to laugh—though it is a terrible, weak laugh—for the first time since yesterday afternoon.

Dane snuggles in closer t

o me, kissing me again on the cheek. "Where're your parents?" he whispers, sounding a little angry.

"Edward is on a plane to New York for a business meeting. Eleanor took Tria to Justin's for the big prom dress reveal. I suppose she felt it would be insensitive to me if she gleamed about her healthy daughter's night in front of me."

I sound bitter, but I shouldn't. Eleanor has been wonderful to me. I wouldn't have survived these past five years without her. This house is cold—cruel and cold. She's the only one with any emotion.

Edward is stoic, rarely even glimpsing my way. He spoils Tria and tends to me out of obligation. I can't wait to go to college, even if I won't be going there feeling complete.

"I'm staying the night," Dane whispers against my ear, making me smile.

Every time he stays the night, I can't help but wish he'd cross the line. Just for one night. Our friendship is too strong to be wrecked by one night.

The front door opens, making all of us look up as it shuts back. Eleanor walks in with tear-streaked cheeks, and she pauses when she sees the five Sterlings in her living room.

I expect her to make them leave, considering Edward hates me having them over. But she smiles weakly instead. "You boys want me to order any food?"

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance