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Absently, I scan the room, looking for anything at all to help me out of this terrible net. A familiar face catches my eye, and I use the playboy millionaire as a means of including myself in the conversation.

"Tag Masters just Tagged a girl for the night," I mumble, pointing toward the gorgeous creature and the girl he's mauling.

Dane lets free an enigmatic smirk while the others snicker. Good. I'm back in the conversation.

"That's Ash... Masters. His wife," Kode says with a grin.

I regret having a full mouth of my martini, because I spew and sputter it onto the table. I've gone crazy. I could have sworn I just heard Kode say Tag is married.

They all laugh, including Dane, as I cough on the strangling remnants of my traitorous drink.

"You okay, Rain?" Maverick teases.

"I'm fine," I say through a cough, finally freeing my lungs of the intrusive liquid. "I just... I think I've drunk too much. I thought Kode called her Tag’s wife."

They all laugh again, and Kode nods slowly while letting his grin crawl up a little more.

"I did. Tag got Ashed."

"Oh dear God. I need a stronger drink," I grumble, making their laughter resume. "Apparently I've been gone long enough to let hell freeze over."

Kode patronizes me with a gentle pat on my back as I lean my head over into my hands. I thought it was bad enough to hear that my cousin Kade was in a steady relationship. Now to learn Tag Masters has gotten married... I just feel so out of place.

"So... about the party tomorrow night," Maverick says with an impish tone.

I look up to see him eyeing Dane with a mischievous gleam to match his tone. Dane shrugs, casually dropping back against the booth before shooting a shot of tequila without so much as making a face. I wish I didn't think that was sexy... but I'm pathetic.

"What about it?" he asks, seeming bored.

"Who all is invited?"

I start to get the feeling Maverick is hinting for Dane to invite me, and that just makes it all awkward again.

"Anyone that wants to go—as long as I know them or someone from the party invites them. Same rules as always, Mav," Dane murmurs with another shrug.

Maverick is definitely hinting. It's not my imagination. Shit.

"You going, Kode?" Maverick asks, turning his conniving glance our way.

I squeeze his leg, letting him know he had better get me out of this. He doesn't even act rattled as he murmurs, "Actually, Rain and I were going to chill out in her new place and order pizza or something."

Whew. I really would like to hang out at my place. I've been in a hotel for four days while I waited on my furniture to travel across the country. Slowpokes. Today was the first day I've even been inside for longer than a few minutes.

I was scared to crash with any of the guys, considering none of the women they ever bring around all seem to like me very much. And they love bringing home women.

"Seriously?" Dale gripes, leaning forward to get in on the conversation. "It's Rain's first week back, but it's Britt's party. I think you two should be there."

Britt? Who the hell is Britt?

I start to voice my question, when Kode groans, "Shit. I forgot it was for Britt. I... damn."

He looks to me, looking genuinely apologetic because he needs to go, but too loyal to leave me hanging. Even though I have no clue who Britt is, I decide to relieve Kode from his burden.

"It's fine. Go to the party. I need to get some writing done anyhow," I lie, absently twisting the stick with an olive in my drink. I have nothing to write. Nothing.

"Don't be ridiculous, Rain," Corbin chimes in. "Come hang out with us. It's been a while since we all hung out together."

Why can't they just let this go? It's awkward sitting at a booth with Dane. I can only assume Britt is someone he's dating, given the way everyone seems to be attached to her very name. I have no desire to be around him and whoever she is.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance