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“Hey,” Billy says as he scoops me in his arms and twirls me around. Then he frowns as he puts me down. “You’re still too skinny.”

I narrow my eyes at him as I grit my teeth.

“Have a child with a man who doesn’t love you, get stalked and threatened and have your child stalked and threatened by some maniac, then go live with the guy you can’t tell you love him; have him find out he’s the father of your child, hide out for your life, and then tell me how hungry you are.”

“Okay, okay,” he says while raising his hands in a surrendering motion. “Chill.”

I shake my head as I pour my glass full, and I guzzle the fizzing bubbles quickly as Tag resumes control of our child and starts introducing him to the world of society.

“I don’t even know why I came. I know Tag won’t let anything happen to him, but I have to be a psycho control freak.”

“Psycho, definitely,” Billy drawls playfully, and Shannon elbows him hard in the ribs, making him puff out a harsh breath of air before laughing.

“Hilarious,” I sardonically release.

He laughs harder as I refill my glass once again, and I stagger lightly as the burning alcohol tries to catch up with me.

“Easy, don’t get drunk in five minutes. It’ll make it look like you don’t enjoy motherhood,” Billy teases.

“Motherhood is perfect. It’s my son’s father that’s driving me crazy.”



Ash is in the corner with Bity and Shannon, talking and ignoring the chaos of the party. I’m relishing the opportunity for everyone to see my handsome son.

“Hey, Tag,” Alaina, one of my many conquests, gushes as she walks over.

Who the hell invited her?

“Hey,” I lightly offer while cradling Trip closer to me.

“I cannot believe you’re a father. You were always so careful. Are you and the mother-”

“We’re living together, if that’s what you’re asking,” I misleadingly interject.

I’m not telling this crazy bitch I’m still single, especially since I’m in love with my son’s mother. I just don’t know if I can ever trust her again.

“Well, that’s a shame. The world is going to be full of sad, crying women.”

“I’m sure they’ll move on as though I never existed,” I murmur as I head away from her.

I look back over to see a guy approaching Ash, his eyes hungry, wanting, and he smirks as he watches her from afar. He’s tall, not short like her attacker, but he’s a threat of a whole different kind.

Wren and Kade walk up, and my head motions in the direction of the wolf stalking my lamb.

“Who’s he?”

“The guy with the blond hair?” Wren asks.

“Yeah. The one who can’t tear his eyes away from Ash.”

Kade stifles a knowing grin, and Wren shrugs.

“He said he works for Mom. I spoke to him earlier when I saw him hanging around but not really talking to anyone. You jealous?”

“Not yet. If he touches her, then we’ll talk.”

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance