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He follows behind me, and my stomach tightens in knots. I’ve fought the urge to throw myself at him since I got here.

“Trip’s nameless father, does he at least offer financial support?” he asks, a little seriousness and a touch of anger in his tone.

“No, but not because he wouldn’t. I’ve never asked for anything. I make enough to get by just fine. I don’t need anything from him.”



He should be giving her money. What asshole has a kid and doesn’t offer at least some payment to help raise him in his absence?

“You know, Kinset still needs a web design, if you’re interested. It was postponed due to some other projects, but we're getting back to it now. The money would be really, really good.”

She smiles lightly while laying Trip down in his crib.

“You don’t have to do that.”

“Do what? Find an excellent web designer for my latest company?” I ask innocently.

“I’ve seen your various websites for your various companies. It’s obvious you know some very talented designers. I don’t need a handout. I feel bad enough staying here.”

She feels bad about staying here?

“You don’t like it here?” I ask, my tone sounding more wounded than I meant for it to.

“That’s not what I meant. So far, you’ve paid for all the groceries, and you’ve even bought stuff for Trip and me. You haven’t let me give you any money for our staying here, and I prefer to pay my way.”

I take a step toward her, my heart beating furiously in my chest as I brush her hair from her shoulder.

“I’m not taking your money. You’re my guest. Believe it or not, I actually know how to be a gentleman. Besides, you need to worry about other things. Now, about the Kinset account, will you take it - make me an excellent website?”

Her hands slide up to run through her hair as she stares at me, and her bottom lip slides between her teeth.


“Great,” I murmur with a smile. “I’ll give you the details when I get back home. In the meantime, feel free to enjoy yourself. I want you comfortable here. I’ll feel bad if you feel bad.”

She smiles while releasing her hair, and I grin when I see a little tattoo sneaking out from her waist as she bends over.

“What the hell is this?” I chuckle out while raising her shirt up to see it better.

She jerks it down, her cheeks blushing, and then she shakes her head.

“I got drunk one night after the wedding, and well… I got a tattoo.”

“Let me see it,” I murmur while trying to move her hand out of my way.

She swats at me while giggling, and I start chasing her as she rushes by me.

“Please stop,” she laughs when I catch her.

My arms slide around her waist as I hold her still, and she struggles uselessly against my clutches.

“I’ll stop when I see it, and I will see it.”

She squeals a little as I pick her up, and she laughs harder as she bucks in my arms.

“You’re not getting free until I see it,” I taunt, my grin burning because it’s so big.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance