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“I need you to do me a favor," I murmur while glancing around.

“Of course, name it.”



“Your mother’s paintings drew in a chunk of change,” Billy says with a smile. “I can’t believe you gave them up.”

I smile softly, staring down at the hidden bump, and then I lift my eyes back up to meet his.

“Kids need food and warmth more than I need the paintings from a ghost I can’t remember at all. Now, let’s get back to the party. I want to dance before my feet swell in these tight heels.”

“Your feet are going to swell? Since when?” he asks with a curious stare.

Shit. Way to open your big mouth.

“Since I stopped wearing them so much. Let’s dance,” I playfully urge while dragging him onto the floor.

He laughs a little as I lean against him, and I fight back the tears of losing the only thing my mother left behind. It’s for a good cause though.

“Can I cut in,” the smooth tone that steals my heart says from behind.

My knees wobble, and Billy becomes my crutch as my eyes beg him not to release me.

“Of course,” my traitor friend says, biting back a grin, and then warm, familiar hands slide against my back as Tag pulls me to him.

“You look beautiful,” he says softly as he stares down at me.

“Thanks,” I mutter through tight lips, making sure to keep enough distance between us so my belly doesn't touch him. “Your date does as well.”

He laughs as though I've made a joke. It was bitter, not funny.

“I thought it might look a little pathetic to show up without someone. I suppose you’re supposed to be Billy’s date? Is he using you to make Rene jealous again?”

I breathe him in, my knees wobbling more, and his grip tightens on me in response as my hands slide up his chest and wrap around his neck.

“No. He’s finally over Rene. I’ve actually set him up with a friend of mine. She’s pretty cool, and they’ve been dating. She couldn’t make it tonight though, due to some work stuff.”

“Ah. Well, I’m glad to hear he’s finally moved on.”

I wish I could move on.

You’d think after witnessing the hell Billy went through with Rene, I’d get over this guy instead of falling for him. The chemistry I feel with him surpasses anything else I’ve ever known, making it impossible to live life without thinking about him every second of the day.

I feel his erection pressing against my side when I get too close, and I start throbbing immediately. I want to jerk his face down to meet mine, but I can’t. I know he has a date, and I can’t keep doing shit to torture myself.

“What have you done to me?” he whispers as his lips take mine without warning.



I can't help it. I have to have her. I can’t touch her without wanting to be with her. I can’t see her without aching for her touch. It’s an incredulous cycle, but I know this can’t work.

She wants love, commitment… all the things I can’t give her. I wouldn’t even know how to fall in love with someone.

Her lips break free from mine, and she pushes me back slightly.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance