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“She backed out. She said she had too many other projects right now, and she said this one would be too in-depth for her to devote the attention it needs. She called me this morning.”

“You talked to her?” he asks curiously.

“No, Shane, my new assistant, talked to her.”

“Shane, yeah... I meant to ask about that. What happened to the blond bombshell?”

My mind flashes back to the other day when my former assistant walked in with her high heels and lingerie to seduce me. I tried so hard to fuck her, but the only way my cock would get hard was when Ash’s face flashed through my mind.

I couldn’t do it. I wanted to, just so I could move past the girl who haunts my every fucking dream, but I couldn’t.

“Long story short, I decided it would be best if I hired a guy for a while.”

I almost scowl, furious with my own self. This is screwed up.


“Anyway, I need to call Gary and see if they’ve made any progress on the stalker shit.”

“Go ahead. I’ll wait.”

It’s obvious Dane is going to continue to grill me. I haven’t seen Ash for a few days, and I’m no closer to being over her now than I was then.

“Mr. Masters,” Gary’s gruff voice murmurs into the phone.

“How’s it going?”

“Well, he’s sent more flowers, more threats, and today I’ve intercepted at least three phone calls. She’s changed her both of numbers a dozen times, but he seems to keep finding out what they are.”

“I’m going down to the phone company today to see if they can help me out since the damn police are worthless. I’ve also hired a private investigator. I’ll send you a picture in case you see him scoping the place out. What’s she doing now?”

“Um… she… um-”

r /> “Spit it out,” I prompt impatiently.

“She’s seeing the doctor right now,” he murmurs uneasily.

My heart slaps my throat.

“What? What the hell? What happened? Why the fuck didn’t you call me?”

“It’s not like that, sir. She um… it’s a female appointment. We’re at the um… gynecologist’s office.”

I almost want to laugh now. Poor Gary. I’m sure he feels sick to his stomach sitting in a waiting room full of women while he's forced to stared at diagrams of the female’s internal workings.

“Sorry, Gary. I’m just a little on edge right now. How’s she handling things?”

“She’s fine for now, sir. Her friend, Shannon, has been staying with her a great bit.”

“Shannon?” I ask curiously.

That’s a name I haven’t heard before. Who the hell is he?

“Yes, sir. Shannon Pierce. They’re very close. Billy Prize has been around, too. He’s supposed to be at the hotel later today. Should we be expecting a visit from you any time soon?”

I guess Billy got his foot back in the door.

“No. I’ll check in with you in a couple of days, via phone. Call me if anything happens.”

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance