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Chapter Six

Extinguishing Flames


“So you haven’t talked to him since the wedding?” Shannon asks as I sit down in her chair to get my hair done in her salon.

“No. I told you. It was a fling. A hot fling, but a fling. For once I was carefree, fun, and a little dirty.”

“It’s just weird he hasn’t tried calling in six weeks. I mean, from what you and Billy have told me, he didn’t sound like a guy who wanted just a fling.”

My heart sinks as I stare in the mirror at her oblivious face. She has no idea how bad this fight with Billy has been hurting me.

“Billy’s been coming in?”

She looks up from snipping my hair, suddenly registering the reason for my pause, and then her dark eyes soften.

“I’m sorry, but yeah. He has gotten a few haircuts since the two of you got into it. He mentioned the fact you changed your number, and he even asked me if I had your new one.”

“You didn’t give it to him, did you?” I worry.

“Of course not. I told him if he wanted your friendship back, I was doing him a favor by not letting him call you like a coward.”

I breathe out a sigh of relief, and my body visibly relaxes.

“Speaking of the reason you changed your number... Jimmy can't get approval to investigate using police resources unless this guy makes a physical appearance of some sort," she says in a huff.

"I wish he’d find someone else to screw with," I grumble, steadying my trembling hands.

Shannon doesn't need to know how crazy scared I really am. She'd never let me stay alone if she did.

“What does his voice sound like?”

“I don’t know.”

“What? I thought you said he makes threatening phone calls.”

“I said he makes phone calls and threats. He just sits on the other line, breathing heavy. A while back, he sent flowers with threats, and random notes would pop up on my door, car, windows… various other places. The notes had the worst of the threats. I gave them all to the police the first time this happened. Eventually this guy will move on or make a mistake. Either way, the punishment for harassment is barely a slap on the wrist.”

“I wish that ass would show himself. I’d give him more than a damn slap on the wrist for fucking with you,” she says with a thug-like attitude that makes me smile.

“I’m sure you would, but until he slips up, it’s on me. For now, I just need to concentrate on work. I’ve got a few clients to meet this afternoon, which is why I’m getting my hair cut.”

“Well, these layers are perfect. I’m sure you’ll land their accounts, and you’ll make their websites look phenomenal.”



“Sir, your one o’clock is here,” Sidney, my assistant, says as I grumble behind my desk.

Loosening my tie, I reply, “Thanks. It’ll be short. Have you pushed back my other appointments as I asked?”

“Yes, sir. Do you need anything else?”

I shake my head to dismiss her, and she scurries out. I can remember when I used to fuck her and enjoy it. Now, my damn cock won’t do anything but stay soft. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

Is it possible to have erectile dysfunction at t

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance