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Two nights in a row this beautiful girl has slept in my bed, and two mornings in a row I’ve woken up happy she did. This is irking me more and more.

She looks so peaceful curled up on my chest, her lazy smile barely etched up as she dreams something good. I’m feeling all the more foolish because I’m hoping it’s me she’s dreaming about.

“What time is it?” she yawns out as she stretches and wraps her arm around me a little better.

Involuntarily, I smile and pull her closer to me as I kiss the top of her head.

“It’s just after eight. The wedding isn’t until sunset, and we can

hide out in here for as long as you want.”

I can’t believe I just essentially asked her to spend the day with me after spending the night with me.

She smiles, and then her perfect lips press lightly against mine as she rises up and straddles me with her bare, glorious body. I sure as hell can’t think straight now. Hell, I’m ready to take her home with me as soon as the wedding ends.

Damn those tits.

“Well, I’d love to stay, but I’ve got a car coming at noon to pick me up. So, I need to go pack my stuff.”

I tilt my head in confusion as I bring her down to meet my lips again. “You can’t leave. I need a date to the wedding, and you’re perfect for that.”

She smiles against my lips, and then she shakes her head.

“How about dinner or something tomorrow instead?” she asks curiously, though there’s not a lot of hope in her tone.

This is that crossroads where I have to make a decision. So many times I’ve delivered a speech with perfect execution, but it’s too hard to do to her.

“How about you stay, and then we’ll discuss dinner when tomorrow comes?”

She smiles, but it doesn’t reach her eyes.

“You’re right. Let’s just enjoy today,” she says a little distantly, confusing me a bit.

“You worried about Bity?” I ask as I run my fingers through her hair, feeling relaxed curls trying to turn straight.

She's still sexy first thing in the morning.

“He’s just pissed right now. He says stupid shit when he’s pissed. I’m sure on some level he felt like I betrayed him.”

I scoff, “He’s the last person who has the right to chastise someone over betrayal.”

She rises up, her eyes locking with mine, and then her lips part slightly as she tries to assess what I’m saying.

“What does that mean?”

I pull an arm behind my head while letting my other drape around her deliciously bare body.

“Bity fucked Erica two years ago when we were all in Vegas for the wedding party.”

Ah shit.

There I go again - just blurting things out.

“Erica? As in Wren’s fiancée? And… wedding party?”

I exhale heavily while nodding.

“Yeah, they were engaged once before. They were a few days away from tying the knot in Vegas - not some Elvis sham of a wedding either. Erica went off with the girls, got wasted outside her head, and then she went to Bity’s room. He had such a chip on his shoulder about Wren getting married because 'things are just so easy for him,' that he actually fucked her.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance