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She's hurt. She has stitches on her forehead, but a jail cell isn't good for wounds.

Fuck. What the hell did they do to her? My phone buzzes again as I excuse myself from the meeting.

Cop just found my phone. Fuck.

Then I get a text from Dale right behind it.

Go get them. I'll fill you in later. This one is on me.

He was the one saying the guys and Rain needed to stop being so fucking childish. I'll kick some asses for this. I swear. When the hell are they ever going to grow up, and when will Rain learn to simply say no? It's a simple, one-syllable word.

I drive to the damn town Maverick had already given me the address to in one of his prior texts I originally ignored. It only takes about twenty minutes, considering I might have broken a few speed limits.

The small jail seems to be lacking room for more than one person, so they only have the one holding cell, I think. I'm pretty sure Corbin and I ended up in here after a party one time.

Yep. This is definitely the place.

I look around, gauging the surroundings of the cold concrete stones that have been painted stark white. I can hear them bickering from here, and I smile while I take care of all the paperwork.

"I thought you said you'd never get arrested," Maverick taunts, chuckling.

"And you were supposed to get me out," Rain growls, making me sigh in relief. At least she's okay.

I finish up, keeping my voice low when I talk to the plump man behind the desk, and he mumbles something about slapping around the guys. I smile as I follow him around the corner, and it's all I can do not to laugh when I see Rain.

Her sundress is barely hanging on, considering one strap is broken. Her feet are bare, her hair is everywhere and smothered in what looks to be some type of sauce, along with numerous particles of food. Her dress is just as marred by food. Did they have a food fight?

Corbin is groaning in pain while leaning against the wall and clutching an icepack to his crotch. Rain and Maverick are having a silent standoff, and I notice Maverick's hand has blood on it. What the-

"Here you go. You'll be informed of a court date soon enough," the officer says while unlocking the cell.

Rain's eyes widen when she sees me, and she nervously tugs at her

dress and her hair. There's no fixing it.

"Care to fill me in?" I ask while casually propping against the wall, not even trying to hide my amusement.

Rain turns an accusatory glare toward Maverick. "I thought you said you were calling Dale!"

"I did. He was busy taking care of his personal shit!"

"What?" I ask, losing the amusement in my tone. "Is this because of the fight Fiona had with Tria?" I ask, looking toward Corbin.

He shakes his head while cursing and trying to stand. Rain bites back a grin when she goes to help him and he glares at her with an I-hate-you-because-you're-evil look.

"Tria fought with Fiona?" Rain asks absently, walking away without looking at me. Her bare feet on the dirty jail floor makes me cringe, but I can't exactly go and pick her up.

"Yeah. Long story. What happened here?" I ask, following her out, doing what I can not to stare at her perfect ass.

"Long story," she mumbles, mocking my answer.

"I had to bail you out of jail, so I think we've got time to hear the story on the way back to your cars."

Maverick chuckles when Corbin curses Rain behind her back, and I tilt my head curiously when I see her proud but mischievous smile. Something tells me this story is far more interesting.

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Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance