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I hate her and pity her at the same time. She’s deranged, and that bitch is planning on raising my child. If I was her though, I’d be just as deranged and pissed. I can’t imagine losing my son, and if it costs me my life… so be it.

No matter what she says, Tag will never love her. Eventually, he’ll see right through her. I know he will.

“What are you going to do to me?” I ask, my body still trembling. “Kill me like you killed Dyllan?”

“Yes, and Rene,” she laughs.

“You killed Rene? Why?”

She laughs harder. “That girl was crazy. You should be thanking me.”

Did this lunatic really just call someone else crazy?

“She was the one you pointed the finger at when the police told you it was a woman. It worked out in my favor, and with her dead, security lightened up, making it easier for Russell to do my bidding.”

I shake my head, completely in shock. She’s definitely a coldhearted bitch.

“Why kill Dyllan if you loved him so much?”

“Because Dyllan was a son of a bitch who stole my child. Not to mention, after Billy Prize asked him if he was the one stalking and threatening you a while back, he came in search of me. When I killed him, it was in self defense.

“It was unbelievable. After he robbed me of my child and left me alone in the hospital to deal with my grief, he went off stalking you himself. He was trying to find a way back into your life. He didn’t give a damn about me or our dead baby.”

“I’m sorry you lost your child, but don’t do this. I never would have been with Dyllan if I had known he was married.”

She scowls, seeming angrier now.

“You didn’t know because you didn’t care. You took everything from me. It’s only fair you pay me back. Every fucking time I try to kill you, it’s like someone steps in and saves your pointless life! It’s not fair! But not tonight. Tonight you’ll finally die, and no divine intervention will spare you from the cold place of death you deserve.”

“I would have died if you hadn’t called Tag. That was your fault the last time.”

She rolls her eyes and scratches her head with the gun that was pointed at me.

“That pissed me off. I wanted to mutilate your fucking face—show the world how ugly you truly are. Russell gave me the code, called me when you left, and I timed it perfectly for when you’d arrive. I wanted your boy-toy to reach the house before the cops. I didn’t want them to shield him from seeing the monster you really are. But, as I said, my plans have now changed. If your face is mutilated, it’ll haunt him. He’ll never forget you, and I need him to forget you in order to be with me.”

“This is never going to happen, you know. Tag loves me, and he won’t fall for your bullshit trap.”

Her eyes burn with a crazy glare as she stares at me with a smug smirk on her face.

“Oh, he’ll fall. You’re not as irreplaceable as you think you are. He’ll forget you and fall in love with me just like your dad forgot your mother and moved on. I’ll raise Trip who won’t even remember his dead mother, just as you don’t.”

My heart stings, burns, and falls to pieces. That stab hurt worse than the knife she literally twisted in my side.

“Now, I think that’s enough talk. I just wanted you to know so your last few moments of life would be spent knowing your son and fiancé would belong to me - the woman whose life you stole.”

She pulls the gun out, holding it directly at my head, and my breath leaves my chest. I close my eyes, awaiting my fate, and then I hear the blast ring out three times. I don’t feel anything, and I’m worried time has slowed in my adrenaline rush.

I open my tearstained eyes to see her body on the ground, blood seeping to the sand, as the bundle in her arms lays under her chest.

“No!” I scream, throwing myself at her, and then I hear more screams from the distance.



“Trip!” I squeal while struggling against her with my restrained hands, trying my best to pull my baby free.

“Please no!” I sob.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance