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“Sorry, but the detective is back. He says he comes in peace, and he needs to talk to you.”

Apparently Tag’s lawyer has already started making waves, and now the detective wants to apologize for his little accusation. Like I’d ever murder any-damn-one.

“We’ll be out in a second. Tell him if he tries to interrogate us, I’ll press harassment charges.”

“Will do,” Wren says before stepping out, and I climb free from the bed to walk over to the closet.

“What now?” I mumble as I pull on a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top.

“I don’t know, but we aren’t done celebrating tonight,” he murmurs in my ear while pressing his bare body against my back.

“Definitely not,” I utter while turning to face him.

He stares at my bare breasts for a second, and then he shakes his head.

“Please don’t ever leave me,” he murmurs so softly. “I wouldn’t make it without you.”

A smile spreads quickly over my lips, and I wrap my arms around his neck.

“I’ve never been engaged before, but not because no one asked. I just never wanted to promise someone I’d love them for the rest of my life. I love you, and I want to make that promise. I’m never going anywhere, Tag.”

He smiles his boyish grin, and then he pulls me to his body before kissing my forehead. “Let’s go see what the detective wants, and then get the hell back in here.”

I laugh lightly, and nod before pulling on a shirt, as he goes to find his own clothes.



If this son of a bitch is back to attack Ash some more, I might end up in jail for assaulting a cop. I’m sick of the drama. I’m just ready to start our lives together.

We walk out, hand-in-hand, and my eyes meet the detective’s. He stands from the chair, his eyes moving from mine as his lips tighten.

“Why are you here this time?” I almost growl.

“I’m sorry to return so late, especially after our last encounter, but I thought you should know, we found Rene Ballinger tonight.”

I exhale in relief, and Ash’s arms wrap around me as she trembles slightly. I pull her to me, feeling her anxiety, and my lips stroke the top of her head.

“Did she confess?” I ask.

“Not exactly. Rene is dead.”

A ghastly silence spreads over everyone in the room, and Ash looks over to see the tears spreading in Bity’s eyes. He’s loved her forever, and though he should hate her, I’m sure this is still hard for him.

“If you’re here to accuse us again, then you’d better get the hell out. We haven’t left since you were here earlier.”

He shakes his head while pulling out several evidence bags.

“I’m not here to accuse you of anything, but Rene didn’t die tonight. She’s been dead for a few days. It looks like she ran off the road while driving home. She crashed through the guardrail, and she ended up at the bottom of the cliffs. We had to use dental records to confirm her identity. I’m coming to tell you—I think you’re right about her being your stalker. We found these.”

He hands me the evidence bags, and I gasp when I see several pictures of Rene. Her hair has been dyed and cut to exactly match Ash’s. Then I get sick when I see pictures of Ash and me.

Ash’s face has been removed and replaced by Rene’s. It’s freaky and twisted, but it doesn’t make sense.

“It looks as though she was severely jealous of the relationship you had with Ms. Branderwood.”

“You think?” I growl as tears whelp up in Ash’s eyes.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance