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"Listen to yourself. You sound crazy. Raya is done. Can't you see that? Once they're done, they're done. Trust me. I know."

I really don't have time for a Dane Sterling revelation right now.

"What's going on?" Tag asks as he warily approaches, his eyes gauging my murderous glare focused on Dane.

"Take him home. He needs to sober up," Dane says, releasing me at last.

"He hasn't had a drink," Tag drawls, tilting his head.

Dane laughs as he shakes his head. "Then he needs to have one. I've got shit to do." He starts walking away, but then turns back. "Don't come back to my club," he pointedly tells me, then disappears into the crowd.


"You just made the nicest guy I know pissed enough to kick you out of his club," Tag says in a breath of awe mixed with aggravation.

I shoulder by him as I call Josh, hoping he's still an ally. By now, Raya has fled. But he knows where she lives.

I was alone before, and it never bothered me. In fact, I enjoyed my solitude. Now, the silence is deafening, the house is depressing, and the days are filled with meaningless tasks I once enjoyed. It's surreal how one person can change everything you knew about yourself. And it's painful to know you lost the one thing worth waking up for. I was hungry for life, needed to be successful. Now all I can think about is the one thing I threw away, because nothing else seems important without her.

I may not deserve her, but I fucking need her. She's crazy if she thinks this is over, because I can't let her go. Not when I see how much she still wants me, too.

"You're kidding, right?" Josh answers. "I give you what you need to find her, and you're calling me?"

I huff as we reach the outside, and Tag eyes me, probably wondering who I'm calling.

"Work is no longer an option. I need her address."

His humorless laugh doesn't make me feel all warm and tingly.

"Forget it. Even if I was stupid enough to give it to you, her dad would never let you across the threshold."

"I just need her address. I saw her tonight, Josh. She cried and argued that she wasn

't good enough. I didn't even have time to tell her what I had to say because she ran. I need a chance to prove myself. That's all I'm asking."

He groans as if he's considering it but not really wanting to betray his sister, so I push just a little harder.

"I love her, Josh."

He's completely silent for a minute, and finally his breath comes out harsh.

"Fine. Fuck. I'll text it to you. Don't piss her dad off. That's how those pictures of me circulated. The one and only time I teased Raya—just like a big brother does—I paid dearly. And he was still in prison at the time. Imagine what he can do now. I'm surprised he hasn't come after you yet. She must have him really wrapped around her finger these days."

I feel a bit of relief. As long as I can get past her dad, who I hope isn't even there, I can do this.

"Wait until tomorrow. When Raya is upset, she doesn't listen. She needs to cool down if your encounter didn't go so well tonight."

"I'll wait," I say too quickly, making it obvious what a lie it is.

"I know you will, because I'm not sending you the address until tomorrow. Night, rich boy."

With that, the line goes dead. Fucking suspense is killing me. Now I have to wait. Again. Damn it.

Chapter Seventeen

Two vehicles in the driveway. I don't recognize either of them, but that doesn't look good for me. I'm sure her father is home. Maybe Raya will take pity on me.

Taking in a deep breath, I knock on the door, preparing myself for the worst.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance