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For the second time in three weeks, my world unravels and ceases to make sense. I let her down, and she probably hates me. My chest caves in on itself, making it hard to breathe. What have I done?

"In your life, you've always wanted a challenge. You're rich, smart, and good looking. It makes things come almost too easily. So you make things a lot harder than they have to be just so you can have some challenge. Raya came too easily, because that girl had it bad for you early on. You played games, thought you had to go through an obstacle course to make her yours, and you damn near lost the girl because of it, when all you had to do was simply take her. That was too easy.

"Now you have the challenge you've always wanted. I hope you're man enough for it, because you've got one hell of a rough road ahead of you if you plan to get that girl back."

My stomach sinks to my spine as I drop back, covering my eyes with the palms of my hands. Why in the hell did I listen to Courtney?

Dad's phone rings, and I look at him as he answers. When the color drains from his face, my heart almost explodes.

"What?" I prompt when he remains speechless.

He slowly lowers the phone while clearing his throat. "It's your grandfather. We need to go. Now."

It doesn't look natural to see Granddad with his eyes closed as several tubes run out of him. My whole body aches from the tense position I've been in.

"You guys want anything to eat?" Erica asks as she runs her fingers through Wren's hair. I'm glad my family is here, since I apparently have no friends.

"Not hungry, but I could use a cup of coffee," Wren answers, and Erica looks to me.

I just shake my head as my phone rings, and I answer Brock with a weak hello.

"You still coming tonight?" Brock asks through the phone.

"Can't. My granddad is in the hospital," I say quickly, clearing my throat to keep the emotion from showing up.

"Bummer. We'll drink one for you. See you soon." The line goes dead, and I frown.

That's the fifth call I've had today from people wanting to do something, but none of them have even offered to come out here. No one cares. The only person who did give a damn is the person I shoved away.

Dad is pacing the halls, looking as though he has spent a week in his suit instead of one hellacious day. I've never seen him cry until today, and he disappeared for an hour to do so. For the first time in my life, my father is a human instead of an untouchable god.

Mom is in the lobby, rescheduling all of Dad's appointments instead of letting his secretaries do it. I'm sure she just wants to feel useful. Tag is sitting quietly in the corner, and Aunt Melanie is with Mom, trying to be helpful as well.

If it wasn't so damn selfish, I'd call Raya right now and beg her to come be with me, because I need her. But after what I did, I don't deserve her here right now.

Just when I've resigned myself to the fact things can't possibly get any worse, Courtney walks in carrying a bouquet of flowers, her smile not going well with my attitude.

"Hey. I just heard. You look exhausted," she says while coming to set the flowers on the windowsill.

I have no desire to see her, let alone talk to her. So I look away. It's sad that my enemy is the only one here when I need someone.

Tag stands up from the corner and walks out, eyeing Courtney like she's the devil's pet. After being here for most of the day, I'm already a little irritable.

But the cold bitch in the room isn't here because she cares. Courtney is here because she thinks I'm weak and vulnerable enough to fall into her arms. She's wrong. And she thought Raya was an opportunist.

Fuck my life. I wish Raya was here right now.

I drop my head to my hands, wishing I could scream at the top of my lungs. Courtney comes to stand beside me, propping her hand on my shoulder. Just as I'm about to shrug her off, Wren says one word that shifts my world on its axis.


My head snaps up as the rest of me goes immobile. Staring into the eyes of the girl I crushed, I feel more relief than I deserve. She's here. She came. For me.

Our eyes lock, and we hold each other's gaze when no words come. I want to wrap her up and tell her I'm sorry, and then let her be here for me while I fall apart, but it all seems so selfish. Then again, screw it. If she'll be here with me, I'll be a selfish ass, and I'll spend forever making it up to her.

Then her eyes flick to Courtney, and that cold glaze comes back, darkening her blue eyes as she fights off a wave of hurt. Shit. This has to look bad. Surely she doesn't think I'm with Courtney.

Her eyes come back to rest on mine, but that uncertainty she had is gone. She's found her resolve, and I don't think it's one I can live with. She turns to leave when I fail to form words, but that's the fire I need lit under my ass to do something.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance