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I ski over to her, still laughing, as I say, "You'll get the hang of it."

I proffer her my hand, but she swats me away as she tries to get up by herself.

"I don't think so," she grumbles, sounding all the cuter.

"Your brother said you're a genius—that you soak up information like a sponge. You'll seriously get it."

"Compared to my stepbrother, I am a genius. As for skiing, it's not information to soak up. It's athletic, and I'm not coordinated. It has nothing to do with intellect."

I can't help but snicker, but I cover my mouth with my hand to drown it out when she gives me her best glower, warning me that she's ready to do bodily harm. She struggles to get up, looking awkward and completely tragic, but I stand back and watch, holding back my laughter to the point of pain.

She manages to get up, but I barely have to count to ten until she flails around, looking as ungraceful as a drowning duck with two broken wings, and goes down hard, landing right on her perfect little ass.


How am I not supposed to laugh? I can't help it. I'm grinning when I intentionally glide beside her, making sure to show her just how damn good I am on skis—only because it pisses her off more.

"I'm done. I've been out here all day, and I'm still on the bunny slopes. I'll never make it any higher before the week is up. I vote for hot cocoa and a warm blanket."

"Oh, Raya. Don't give up. You're getting better," I lie, doing all I can to suppress my chuckle.

She really is a horrible skier. I probably shouldn't be smiling, but I honestly can't help it. I didn't think it possible for me to like her more until today.

"Kade, I'm going to have huge bruises on my ass as it is."

Before I can make a smartass comment about that opening, Tag's unmistakable laughter breaks free, beating me to the punch.

"Damn, Kade! What've you been doing to her precious ass to leave bruises?" he asks, irritating me with his presence. This is our time, dammit. He's supposed to be chasing women, not skiing over here.

I roll my eyes, ready to shoo him away, until I see that adorable blush on her cheeks. Genius strikes.

"She likes it rough," I crudely joke, and then I join Tag in a fit of laughter as Raya starts pathetically throwing snowballs at us, her ass still planted on the ground. She throws like a five-year-old. Yet something else I find adorable.

Once the onslaught of poorly formed and sadly tossed snowballs ends, I make my way toward her, my teasing chuckles still annoying her as I help her to her feet.

"You're both jerks," she grumbles.

"Aw, don't be mad," I say patronizingly. "Come on. Let's head to the lodge and get you dried and warmed up."

"You wasted the whole day trying to teach me to ski," she sighs, making me smile even more.

This is the best day I've ever had on the slopes.

She starts to fall, and Tag comes to help, aiding me by taking her other side to steady her better. I fill him in on all the falls and spills, and he snickers, teasing her as much as I have all day.

Then she goes and does something I wasn't prepared for. Instead of scolding me or calling me a jerk, she pouts. Fucking pouts. She pushes those full lips out as her dark hair frames her face, and I almost forget how to breathe.

"Damn, put those away, girl," Tag says, apparently feeling just as tortured as I am. I'll kick his ass later for looking at her that way. Right now, I'm a little distracted.

My eyes stay transfixed on her lips, as every fantasy I've had lately plays out in my mind. I lose control of my body as my thumb slides across that perfectly plump bottom lip of hers, enjoying the way she moves toward me instead of away.

Just when I'm about to lower my mouth to hers, a jackass yells for us. I shouldn't have told any of them where we'd be.

"Kade! Tag!" Wren yells, seeming amused as he and Erica head our way. "Let's head up."

I really need to tell everyone to leave us the hell alone.

Sighing and dropping my hand very reluctantly, I turn to face him, wishing I could shove snow down his throat until he choked on it.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance