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She's embarrassed. Again. I hate this. No one should be looking at her this way.

"I guess I get what they say about small towns now," I mutter, letting her feel as though she has fooled me.

I'm suddenly brought to an abrupt halt when I smell... it's... oh damn. What is that? My stomach almost growls in excitement, roaring for a taste. I've never smelled anything like it before.

"What's that smell?" I almost moan, feeling a little high just off the scent, as my mouth waters ferociously.

She starts laughing. There's nothing funny about that delicious aroma.

"Mrs. Bates's cherry pie. She's won the state fair pie contest for the past ten years with that recipe."

I don't care if it's won any awards or not. I want it. Need it.

"Please tell me it's not soy, fat free, or gluten free," I plead, sounding desperate.

I don't wait for the answer. Like a bloodhound hot on a trail, I make my way to the lady behind a food stand. The line isn't terribly long, proving this town doesn't appreciate this culinary wonder. I should offer her a spot in Sterling Shore.

There are others coming, so I actually run to get in line before they beat me. They don't need this as much as I do. I'm starving. I'm almost bouncing up and down as I near the stand.

"What can I get you?" the old lady asks, a warmth in her smile.

"A cherry pie."

"How many slices?"

Slices? Does she not see how hungry I am?

"The whole pie."

She laughs as though something is funny. What is with these women laughing about food?

As she rings me up and I hand her my card, my eyes move over to see Raya. Her body tells me more than the words I can't hear being exchanged between her and the couple in front of her.

She's stiff, looking as though she wants to run, cry, or scream. Possibly all three.

"Who're they?" I ask the woman as she hands me back my card and waits for the receipt to slowly print. I don't need it, but I want to know who they are, so I use it as an excuse to pry.

"Oh, that's Raya Capperton. Poor girl with a bad story. Town still isn't over it. This town talks too much. And that's Jeremy and Vickie. Bad blood between the three of them. Can't say I'd blame Raya if she hated them both. I can't believe she's even talking to them after what they did."

Raya has a bad story? Because she's poor? That pisses me off. But Jeremy is the ex. I remember that. I assume Vickie is the best friend that screwed her over. There are at least ten ways I can handle this, but one option seems to be the best.

Raya doesn't even sense me until my lips are tasting her delicious neck, making me forget about the pie in my hand. I grip her at the waist and pull her to me as I work my way to her lips and claim her in front of the whole damn, stupid town.

The kiss is hungrier than I intended, but I can't pull back the way I initially planned when she slips her hand in my hair and pulls me closer. In response, I press my body against hers and devour her that much more, giving the town something new to talk about—the fact Raya has a man who is mad about her.

That had better be what they're saying.

I don't want to pull back, but any more would be overkill. Damn, I wish this was real. It will be. Soon.

"Sorry," I murmur insincerely while pulling back, keeping my voice syrupy sweet while playing dumb. "Are you friends of Raya's?"

Raya seems a little stunned, which means she's either confused or my kiss left her reeling. Judging by the way she was kissing me back, I'll go with option number two. Which is perfect.

"I'm Jeremy and this is Vickie," the guy says, looking as though I just pissed on his territory. "And you?" he asks, poking his chest out like he's something intimidating.

"Um... yeah. This is Kade," Raya says, truly grinning now instead of wearing that sad, forced smile she had before I came over.

Her entire body slowly relaxes against me. It feels good to know I've just made her feel safe.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance