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I try to be playful instead of angry, so I roll my eyes, and tease, "Don't tell me you're Tagged."

Say no, Raya. Or I might drag you out of here over my shoulder.

"No, I just don't particularly like feeling as though there's toilet paper stuck to my shoe or something. I looked in the mirror, but I don't see anything standing out. So, I'm asking you."

I let my eyes run the full length of her glorious body, and slowly my eyes find their way back to hers. I wish there was something wrong. Well, there is one thing wrong—she's still talking about Tag.

"There's nothing at all wrong with you, Raya. Just dance. Lighten up. Then we'll grab some champagne. Tag doesn't have a very big attention span."

"How do you know him?" she asks, making my calm facade slowly dissipate.

"He's my cousin's best friend. My Aunt Melanie pretty much raised him, so he and Wren grew up like brothers."

My jaw clenches when I see Tag's eyes drift to Raya's ass, despite the fact he has a girl dancing with him.

"How did I manage to piss you off?" Raya asks, surprising me and melting me a little when I feel like a jerk.

A small smile comes to my lips as I stare into her expectant eyes, all her attention back on me—right where it needs to be.

"You didn't. I just don't want you going after someone like Tag. He's like family to me, but he's not exactly the kind of guy who sticks around for longer than a night or two."

It's shitty to put Tag down, but I need to dissuade her as much as possible. "Star" won't keep him at bay if Raya shows him any interest. And I'll be damned if I turn her over. I especially don't like the fact that he's not having to work anywhere nearly as hard as I am.

"Well, I wasn't trying to get in his bed. I was sincerely worried I had something wrong with me that I couldn't see."

Thank God. I pull her even closer, earning me a few more disapproving glares from the older socialite women who will be spreading this around the country club tomorrow.

"You're very hard to read sometimes, Raya," I say, relaxing when I realize Tag isn't on her agenda.

She tilts her head, leans back and studies me. "What does that mean? Is that what's wrong with me?"

A hard breath comes out before my accidental laughter. She's so damn sweet.

"No. Like I said—nothing's wrong with you. Ready to drink?"

She gives me a small nod. I'm grateful to be getting alcohol. I never do more than sip a drink or two and pretend as though I've had more, but Raya brings out a jealous monster I didn't know I had. Until I learn how to deal with all this, alcohol and I are going to get very well acquainted.

I'm not sure which part of the evening has been the most boring—hanging around everyone who has a stick shoved up their ass, or dancing to music that puts babies to sleep in front of women who are cursing my firstborn in whispers. If one more person gives Raya a condescending look, I'm going to haul her out of here over my shoulder.

And my mother's parents aren't any better. It's sad when I actually appreciate my father. Considering he and my cousins have been incredibly welcoming to the girl who wasn't born on silk sheets, I have a new appreciation for all of them.

The only time she isn't getting the snooty snorts of distaste is when she's getting ogled by the bored husbands looking for a new side dish. Then of course, there are a few hormonal idiots who are undressing he

r with their eyes—that doesn't include me. That pisses me off even more.

Fortunately, she seems to be oblivious to everyone's reaction to her. She has taken the backhanded compliments without so much as flinching. But Raya doesn't know how to look for the sharks disguised as Nemo. I've never been more grateful for her naivety than I am right now.

Wren comes over, offering me a discreet wink, and sidles up next to my girl. I'm surprised Erica let him come tonight without her. She cheated on him, yet she's the one who gets crazy jealous.

"We're about to go to the den," Wren says, motioning toward the uppity crowd who are slowly diminishing.

"Sounds good. Will you hang out with Raya for me for just a second? I need to go find Mom. I forgot to tell her something."

Wren nods and smiles knowingly, and I kiss Raya's forehead without thinking about it. That wasn't me staking my claim. Okay... Maybe a little bit.

She shivers and that gives me a smile. I love her body's reactions. I know I have her body's approval, now I just need to make sure the rest of her is on board. She's skittish, meaning she's been hurt. She doesn't date—ever. She's had one serious boyfriend, and the bastard cheated on her. Kid gloves. I'll have to ease her into the idea so it doesn't overwhelm her and end after ten seconds. Not that I'm looking to dive into a serious thing.

Focus, Kade. Mom. I have to find her and make sure she behaves.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance