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"You good?" I ask, wishing I could just take some time to hang out with her.

"Um... yeah. Go have fun," she says unsurely, looking around nervously.

"Business," I explain low enough for only her to hear, giving her a wink. "You go have fun. It'll be loud, so call me if you need me for anything. My number is programmed in your phone."

Ah damn. Her eyes are on my lips again. Why does she love staring at them? It really makes it hard to behave. When she doesn't say anything else, I offer a wave and follow Jacob out as he chatters on about all the responsibilities he'll have.

I interject when necessary, making sure I seem incredibly interested, but my mind is on the girl I can't see from in here. Several others come to talk business, all of them sounding like the brilliant minds they are.

They always listen when I speak, often agreeing with me. This is usually my favorite part of the night, but right now, this is the last thing I want to be doing.

After what seems like an eternity, our small group is broken up by a warning.

"It's Get Wet time!" Mel announces over the dulled music. "Same rules as always. When you hear the song, grab someone to lock up with until it stops. All ladies without a partner, prepare to be tossed in the pool!"

Shit. "Sorry to cut this short, but I need to go check on my girl," I say, gathering a few claps on the back.

"Tonight, the Get Wet song is Good Man!" Mel says excitedly as I walk in.

That ass Brock is already next to Raya. Unbelievable. I'll kick his ass and he knows it. I don't care if he looks like he just ate The Rock for breakfast, I'll still kick his ass.

Mel makes her way to him, as always, and I start sifting through the crowd, quickly making it to Raya just in time.

My hands go around her waist just as the Get Wet song starts. I spin her around, press her against the wall, and damn near shove my lips on hers. But I stop just barely out of reach, teasing myself by letting her breath rake across my mouth.

"What... w-what are you doing?" she asks, swallowing audibly as soon as the hoarse words leave her lips.

"Making people think we're doing what we're supposed to be doing. Otherwise, you'll get tossed in the pool. Considering you're wearing white, and you don't have... much on back here,"—my hand slides over her ass on its own, and I tug her closer—"you might not need to get caught."

I don't know what compelled me to touch her so boldly, but it's too damn hard to pull back. If she so much as leans forward just a little bit right now, I'd bruise her lips with the kiss I want to give her. Not to mention the other things I'd probably do.

That's it. No more tequila for me.

"Whenever you see Mel drift toward Brock," I say, motioning in their direction, "find me, and I'll make it look like we're just as engaged as everyone else enjoying the festivities."

"So they're a couple?" she asks, probably curious as to why Brock was most likely hitting on her. I'll deal with him later.

"No," I say with a laugh, doing what I can to make that prospect sound preposterous. She better not even think about paying him attention. "Brock isn't in the market to settle down, but Mel wants him. So, she plays this game every party. When the DJ sees her close to Brock, he plays the song. That's your cue. Just find me, unless you want some strange guy locked on your lips or tossing you in the pool."

My eyes involuntarily move to her lips. It makes it a little hard to breathe when my cock swells in my pants. Just one kiss wouldn't be too bad, would it? I could say someone was looking. Right?

No. No. No.

"You do have your tongue pierced," she says suddenly, breaking me out of my mesmerized trance. "I thought so," she adds, seeming to be talking to herself.

I smile as my eyes move to hers, and I resist the urge to show her some of the things I can do with it. It was a spur of the moment thing—something I did with absolutely no reason to do it. Other than the fact that my dad hates it.

"You've been trying to get a look?" I ask, moving in closer.

I roll it to be between my teeth, giving her a better view, while possibly trying to seduce her. I forget about the weapon in my mouth most days. Had I known it would drive her as crazy as she's been driving me, I'd have been swirling this thing around quite a bit.

When it's apparent that her mind has either gone blank or scandalous, I pull it back and grin at her.

"You could have just asked."

The song ends, and I almost hear her labored breaths. I'm already on the verge of breaking, and her sweet, breathless panting is close to pushing me over the edge. She staggers as I lean back, and I grab her waist to steady her. How much has she been drinking?

"I guess you did more than nurse that beer," I say teasingly.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance