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She turns and starts sipping her coffee, seeming to be as uneasy about this conversation as I am, but I refuse to let it go. I want to know why she said it that way. Oh... shit. I know why.

"So, you're a virgin?" I ask, though it's more of a statement than a question. That explains so much.

She spews and sputters her coffee everywhere, making me realize that might have been a little bold, but I can't help but be amused. She's really cute when she's embarrassed.

I just stare with a stupid grin on my face, utterly intrigued and praying she answers. Why does it matter? Hell if I know.

"No," she says through a coughing, strangling fit.

She really has to elaborate, because I have to know more. That's all there is to it. Please, God, don't let me know anyone she's been with.

"So no boyfriend, but you're not a virgin?" I pry, unable to just drop this very inappropriate inquiry.

She won't answer. She's too timid to answer such—

"I had a boyfriend, but we broke up."

Ah. So vague is the direction she wants to go. I'll play along. I can make her tell me all I want to know, and I have to know.

"Why'd you break up?"

"Because things didn't work out. That's why most people break up." Her tone is warning me to back off, but I've never heeded warnings.

"So you left him after he took your virginity?" I poke, hoping that's insulting enough to make her tell me who the guy is and what went on.

"No, I left him after he took my best friend's virginity."

Shit. I'm a total jerk.

"Oh," I mouth, feeling like the world's biggest dick. I should have dropped it. It was clear she wanted me to, but I kept pressing. "Sorry," I add sincerely, hoping she doesn't go back to giving me icy glares and forcing me to stay in the room on the nights she doesn't stay in hers.

She shrugs as though it's no big deal, but the regret still owns me.

"It happens. It's not like you knew, so don't apologize for that. If you feel a need to be remorseful, then apologize for keeping me up so many nights when I had a test the next day."

Ah, hell. My coffee goes down hard as I strangle on it in an attempt to swallow. Why'd she say that?

My laughter comes out after my coughing fit ends, and I do my best to rid my mind of all the images playing out like a dirty movie in my head. My arm slides out from behind her when I'm forced angle my hips to keep her from seeing the ungodly effect she's having on me.

"What?" she asks, completely bewildered by my seemingly random reaction. Damn, she's sweet.

"Just how exactly did I keep you up, Raya?" I tease, possibly giving her a gaze that's too hungry. It's been too long.

It takes her a second, but when it clicks, her cheeks heat up with that pretty shade of pink I enjoy seeing on her.

"Not what I meant. I meant your parties kept me up."

Speaking of which...

"You've never been to a party," I say, finally seeing a reason to ask the question I've wanted to for a while. "Why?"

"Well, I wasn't invited for one, but also because I'm on scholarship. I'm not here to play. I'm here to change my life."

So am I, baby. You just don't see the big picture.

"You lived next door. An invite wasn't necessary, and I like to believe you can do both. Partying in moderation is good for the clogged mind. I drink, I play, and then I work just as hard. I think tomorrow will be damn good for you."

Her expression doesn't promise that she's very excited. Maybe there's a way to warm her up to the idea.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance