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After discovering several disgustingly disturbing rumors about Raya and my father, I need a hell of a cigarette, since I can't bleach my fucking brain. Hell, I need carton, actually. Christ. People are sick. I hope she hasn't had to hear this shit.

The people around me moan and groan about needing a party—one of my parties. I can't discuss parties right now.

I've barely kept my temper in check, and I really don't want to lose it. I've never needed a minute to myself the way I do right now. Between the stomach-churning rumors and the weird tension at home, I just want a break.

I've done all I can to avoid Raya, and for the most part, she avoids me, too. She wears those damn tiny shorts all over the house. Has she no idea how cruel that is?

I've never lived with a girl. So far, I've come to the conclusion that it's torture. Point blank, my father is a sadistic bastard who enjoys tormenting me. I really don't need this distraction right now, and I feel like an unwanted guest in my own home. As if I don't have enough stress.

Between the orders at the vineyard and exams at school, it's been terrible. Absolutely terrible. I need to relax at home, not live in cold showers. And it's only been a week. I'm a sad, sad excuse for a man.

Speaking of the vixen in my dreams, there she is. Her eyes catch mine briefly as I take another puff. When Joseph walks up beside her, I tense. Even I think he's a dick. Why's he getting so close to her?

I don't know what he says, but she flinches, and I see her do all she can to curl into herself. I don't have to hear. It's obvious that he's saying the same shit to her that I've heard all day.

"Joseph," I call, doing well to keep the anger out of my tone.

He laughs as he jogs toward me, and Raya visibly relaxes. I've been itching to hit something for weeks.

"What's up?" he asks as he reaches me.

Raya disappears from sight, and I motion for him to follow me. I wave behind me when people start calling my name, but I don't turn around. Joseph follows like the beta prick he is.

"What'd you say to Raya?" I ask, trying to sound bored or only mildly interested.

He laughs, taking pride in his bullying. I take the last puff from my cigarette, hoping it gives me some relief, but it doesn't. Tossing it to the ground, I wait for his snickers to end.

"I was just giving her hell. The bitch got Mark and John expelled. Not to mention she's holding up our parties," he says, talking about two of the four frat jerks.

The frat houses are under lockdown right now. A probationary thing—no parties for a month because of the bulldozer incident. Their parties suck anyhow. No big loss.

"She didn't get them expelled; they got themselves expelled by almost killing her," I bite out through clenched teeth, slowly losing my calm facade.

"She's the one that caused a fuss. Not all of us are ninety so early in life. They were just fucking around. It's not like they meant to hit her house."

I lose it. Before I know what I've done, my fist has already connected with his face and he's flying backwards, hitting the ground hard.

"What the hell?" he spews, grabbing his aching eye and nose. I'm not sure which I hit or if was a combination of the two.

I stalk toward him, but Jacob and Craig are pulling me back before I can do more damage. One hit wasn't enough, dammit!

"Dude!" Jacob yells. "Calm the hell down! What happened?"

Joseph answers while I seethe. "I d

on't know. He got his panties in a wad when I mentioned that bitch—"

I've ripped free and grabbed him by the throat before he can finish that. My fist is wrenched back and ready, but Jacob hauls me off again.

"Are you fucking her or something?" Joseph squeals, shrinking back.

At first I get royally pissed, but then I see the fear in his eyes, so I allow him to continue.

"If you are, I didn't know. I swear, dude," he almost whimpers.

Everyone looks to me expectantly, waiting on my answer.

"If you even so much as look at her again, this won't end well. Next time there won't be people to hold me back," I threaten, and then I shove away from them to make my way toward class.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance