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"That's the best you can do?" Thomas pokes. "You're supposed to introduce her as who she is to you as well. That's how it works. Friend? Girlfriend? Fiancée? Wife?"

I laugh as Kade rolls his eyes. "You'd know it if I got married. This is my... girlfriend?" he says, sounding more like it's a question.

"Are you asking or telling?" Thomas prods, making Kade laugh nervously and squirm uncomfortably.

"I suppose... telling?" he asks again.

I'm not used to seeing Kade so nervous. Is it me or his grandfather that's making him act so awkward?

"I swear, boy. If you have a girl that looks like her, you say 'girlfriend.' You don't stumble around like an idiot who's waiting on her to clarify. Be a man."

I burst out laughing when Kade turns red and shakes his head.

"Be a man," I tease, poking at him while I have the chance.

"Don't encourage him," he groans, making both me and Thomas laugh louder.

He leans over and kisses me lightly on the lips, making my smile grow. He's different with me in front of his grandfather than he is with me in front of his parents. He doesn't ignore me by any means, but during our stay in Aspen, he only acted this affectionate when they weren't around.

I didn't expect him to maul me in front of his parents, but I thought it'd be different. He's not the same in front of them. He's a different person most of the time. He keeps some fences up, as though he has to separate different parts of his life. I'm glad he's not that way when it's just the two of us.

"Come on in. Show her around."

We walk into the enormous building that is loaded with wine bottles, beautiful fruits and vegetables, and numer

ous jarred goodies. It's like a colorful explosion of tasty treats. I'm almost salivating.

Wine glasses hang in various places, adding elegance and function - considering the wine-tastings. A cedar staircase leads to a loft that has a view to overlook the vineyard. It's breathtaking, all of it.

It's spacious, and despite the built-in wine racks, it's not cluttered. The counter at the front reminds me of an old malt shop; not a fancy wine place. Each room holds a new selection of wines. Glamorous signs hang to explain the different tastes, awards won, and foods the wines best complement.

Even a rookie like me could walk in and find the right wine. I'm amazed at the range in prices. Some sell for a hundred dollars, and some sell for ten thousand. I tuck my hands in the pockets of my jeans to keep from accidentally breaking something I can't afford.

"You good?" Kade asks, running his fingers through my hair.

"Paranoid," I murmur as I back away from a Merlot that screams expensive.

He chuckles lightly. "If you break something, I'll try to talk to the owner about giving you a pass. We're pretty close."

I shake my head while letting a small laugh free. My hands aren't coming out of my pockets.

"The Merlot is my favorite. They said Napa was the best for the grapes, but there are plenty of clay spots here that are perfect for growing the Merlot grapes."

He's so cute when he's excited.

I knew he was a wine connoisseur, but I didn't realize why until now.

"Cabernet?" I muse, offering him a chance to tutor me more.

"Ah, red wine. Yes. The Cabernet actually dethroned burgundy in the mid-1960s. By the late 1980s, Cabernet was the generic term used for red wine."

From there, he lectures me on all the origins of the wines. Each time he speaks about a new grape or different fermenting process, his eyes light up. This really is his niche. It makes me want to study up on every wine just so I can be a part of his passion.

"I need to go check on a large order we're supposed to ship out tomorrow. Care to hang out for a minute?"

I smile and nod as he kisses my cheek before rushing off to play Mr. Important.

"He's a go-getter, that one," Thomas says from behind me, startling me a bit.

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance