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Nice, but reasonably priced vehicles stayed in our driveway. My room was big and perfect. He'd made sure of that. It's those memories that kept me close to him all these years, despite his betrayal.

In my opinion, no saint goes without sinning, and no sinner goes without having some saintly qualities. You can judge one for their mistakes, or you can love them for the flaws they try to correct. I choose to love my father. That might make me stupid, but I'd prefer to be called stupid instead of cold. You only live once.

"I had a house once, with my father. It was nice. We were happy. But we lost it later on."

"Did he leave you and your mom?"

I wish I could just tell him.

"Yes and no. He left because he had to; not because he wanted to. It's a long story I don't want to delve into tonight."

He nods, but I can see the determination in his eyes to pry further.

"Did... did he do something to hurt one of you? I'm trying to understand, Raya, but I'm starting to feel like I should hate him. I don't see how someone just runs off; no matter what the reason."

My heart swells with so many emotions. It's adorable to see him so concerned and protective.

"My dad isn't a bad man. He's good man that made some bad mistakes. Believe me, I know the difference. I promise I'll explain one day. Right now, you need to help me learn to ski. I don't want to look like an idiot."

His smile returns and his laughter breaks free.

"You're going to look as goofy as a baby deer learning to walk. Get over it, Raya. You can't always be perfect," he teases.

"Perfect," I scoff playfully, shaking my head. I've never been perfect. Jaded? That's me.

Chapter 12

Hot and Cold

My ass is cold, wet, and in pain. I've spent more time on it than on the skis. This is ridiculous. I hate all these frigging pros right now.

I slap the ground again, landing straight on my ass... again, and the skis clank together and rattle once I thud against the snow. My teeth are probably chattering, but I'm too numb to feel them. Who chooses to vacation somewhere this miserable? And who thought it would be fun to try and stand up on two slick sticks attached to your feet?

That fluffy white powder is more deceptive than my father on a con. It looks soft and inviting, but it's a trick. After you flop down numerous times, it eventually hurts. Not to mention... It's. So. Cold!

With the beating I've endured today, I feel like the roof collapsed on me again before someone tossed me in a cooler for hours on end.

"You'll get the hang of it," Kade chuckles as he comes to help me up. I swat him away, refusing to let him keep picking me up off the ground.

"I don't think so."

"Your brother said you're a genius; that you soak up information like a sponge. You'll seriously get it."

"Compared to my stepbrother, I am a genius. As for skiing, it's not information to soak up. It's athletic, and I'm not coordinated. It has nothing to do with intellect."

He snickers but smothers the sound with his hand when I shoot him a warning glare. I start scrambling around, too far past the point of worrying how stupid I look out here. I shuffle to my feet, and attempt to go again, but the second I get to the small hills of snow, I crash again, landing straight on my ass. So terrible.

"Ow!" I screech when I try to stand, only to fall back to the ground and land awkwardly on my booted foot that is still strapped to the ski.

Kade's laughter flows again. I refuse to look at his smug self gliding across the snow like the perfect prince he is. Jackass. He makes it impossible to not see is haughty grin when he comes to a perfectly executed, graceful stop beside me.

"I'm done. I've been out here all day, and I'm still on the bunny slopes. I'll never make it any higher before the week is up. I vote for hot cocoa and a warm blanket."

I sniffle and wipe my nose that I'm afraid is running. It's too cold to tell. The wind bites at me, but Kade seems unfazed, as if he's from here instead of the warm air of Sterling Shore.

"Oh, Raya. Don't give up. You're getting better," he lies, stifling his laugh.

"Kade, I'm going to have huge bruises on my ass as it is."

Tags: C.M. Owens Sterling Shore Romance