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Henry hit another bump in the road, and I let out a bloodcurdling scream as I felt my pelvic bone actually shift out of place. Tears poured out of my eyes, and the sobs flowed harder from me.

Tallis leaned forward and kissed my hand. "Shhh… It's okay, Aria, I'm here. I'm so damn sorry. I swear I'll never hurt you again. Everything is going to be okay."

His voice was soothing, but I knew he was just trying to comfort me. I knew he had found his soul mate. But the pain of dying in the back seat superseded any and all thoughts of that, especially when we turned a sharp curve that made my body shift again.

Everyone was apologizing for my decision. Everyone was forced to me suffering. And everyone was blaming themselves for what I had.

The metallic tang of thick blood sloshed around plentifully in my mouth, and I could feel myself drifting as my pulse got weaker, fading into the background of my mind. I was fairly certain I had a punctured lung, and oxygen was becoming impossible.

Summoning up the last of my strength, I prepared to say the last thing I might ever have the chance to.

"It was my fault," I wheezed, feeling my body go limp as I gave in to the pull.

I could hear Tallis yelling in panic, but it was echoed and distant, distorted almost too much to make out what he was saying. When I finally managed to strain enough to hear, I knew my soul would be haunted by his panic.

"No! No, Aria! Stay with me, dammit! Please, don't do this! Stay with me! Fight it!"

But the fight was gone, and so was my ability to stay awake. The darkness stole me and carried me away, silencing my pain.

Chapter 15


You never find anything you want until you stop looking.

Darkness was all around me, but I was wide awake. Little by little, my eyes adjusted to the small bits of moonlight that managed to wriggle through the gaps in the curtains. Much to my surprise, Tallis was curled up beside me, his body facing mine, but not touching.

It was only eleven at night, but the house was silent. I hadn't been knocked out for too long, but I suppose I worried everyone to the point of exhaustion.

My sides weren't splitting in pain anymore, something I noted with immense gratitude and relief. I scrambled around, checking all over my body. I didn't feel any broken bones though. I had no pain at all actually. I stretched to assess any lingering damages, but I felt brand new—nothing out of place.

Tallis stirred, mumbling something unintelligible in his sleep. I couldn't help but stare at him. I was almost hesitant to wake him, because this was going to be awkward.

Why did he have to look amazing even when he slept? It really wasn't fair.

I sighed and reluctantly tapped him on the shoulder.

"You can go now. I'm fine," I whispered softly.

His eyes flew open, and for a

second, he stared as though I wasn't real.

"You're awake!" he gasped.

I was embarrassed, ashamed, mortified... the list went on. I had almost gotten his family killed, so guilt was certainly on that list. I just wanted this to be over with, and as much as it pained me to lose him, I would make myself let him go.

"Yeah, you can go home now," I murmured, looking averting his eyes.

He completely ignored me as he grabbed my shoulders and forced me to meet his gaze. Relief seemed to wash over him as he continued to study me with disbelief.

"You have no idea how close you came to dying. Anesta and Aster worked on you for almost four hours. You were dead for two minutes; the two longest minutes of my life. I didn't know if you'd even recover."

That confused me, and my eyes darted to the clock again. How could it have taken four hours?

"I've only been out for a couple of hours," I said, shaking my head.

It was hard to ignore the dry, scratchy rasp of my voice, but I did. I was desperate for a glass of water, but I needed to get this—us—out of the way. Apparently he felt as though he had to fill me in on the rest of the night.

Tags: C.M. Owens The Coveted Saga Fantasy