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My voice was quiet and shaky as the pieces of the puzzle fell into place and screamed for my attention.

"You were all bad—not just Taryn. Traitors—all of you. You never cared about any of us at all," I said in a quiet rasp, the knot in my throat almost choking me.

McKee snarled, "We are not traitors, Aria. We're just fed up. It's time for a new era." His voice softened. "I'm willing to give you the chance to be a part of it, before it's too late."

"Be a part of what? The Dramus circle?" I gasped in disbelief at the fact he would even think I would consider that.

"It's actually the Graven circle now. Daddy has more power than Grandpa ever did," the lone girl's voice said again, but my sanity was once again in question when I never saw a girl.

But she walked out in front of me as her words sunk in. Daddy has more power than Grandpa ever did. She was Graven's daughter. The very realization cost me a ten seconds of breathing.

She was almost pretty in the worst bad-girl sort of way. She had long, shiny, silky black hair that hung pass her waist. Any other time, I might envy her for that.

She was slender and petite, but size was misleading in the immortal world. I'd seen that first hand with Ayla and Selesha. Wearing her black, skinny-leg pants with red high heels and a low cut red shirt, she was dressed to play the devil's advocated.

Her hands were covered by red and black leather gloves that fastened at the wrist and had the tips of the fingers cut out, exposing her manicured red fingernails. Her eyes were dark and smoky, with makeup to match, and her lips were a fierce candy-apple red.

Seeming bored, she walked across the floor, casually playing with the ends of her hair. Sounding disinterested, she spoke to McKee again.

"Let's get this over with. I've got other things to do today."

McKee rolled his eyes at her before he turned back to me. "Aria, there's so much you don't know, and I couldn't possibly tell you everything in one day, but I can promise you that if you just join me, you'll be making the right decision."

Swallowing hard, I weighed all the wise options, but lying and playing along had never been my strong suit. So instead of being smart, I chose the stupid route.

"McKee, you've gone mad. I can't be a part of this."

His eyes didn't falter, and he never acted surprised. At least he didn't expect me to cave.

"Aria, we can be together here. I can be your soul mate. You can forget about how Tallis hurt you, and you can be with me. Everything is so much easier on this side. People are looking over their shoulder for you, but you never have to look over your shoulder for anyone. You're the dominant power on this side."

Again, I'm given the opportunity to say something smart. But I was a really dumb girl who apparently had a death wish—again.

"You've lost your mind. I could never betray my family." Tears crept out before I could stop them. "I trusted you," I whispered, feeling weighted by his betrayal. "How could you do this to me? I'll never be your soul mate. How can you possibly even think that you love me, when you let your sister bring men in to kill me?"

Still, his temper didn't flare. Instead, he continued to speak pleadingly instead of angrily. "She was never supposed to hurt you. Her orders were to bring you to me, but sometimes things get messed up when witches are involved. I'm sure Warren got greedy and wanted you for himself. Just like so many others have in the past."

Graven's spawn rolled her eyes, seeming exasperated. "Oh please, McKee. She's a Coldwell. She's never going to join us. Get over it and quit delaying the inevitable. Daddy said I could have her."

She smiled menacingly at me, and her red lips exposed her white teeth. I half expected them to be pointy and jagged, but they were as perfect as the rest of her outward appearance.

She took a step toward me, but McKee stepped in front of her, blocking her path to me. She made sure to give him an exaggerated pout.

"Yastine, you don't get to make that call. Graven promised me I could try. I decide when she's not going to choose us. I've earned that much."

Yastine backed up, sighing in aggravation. McKee turned to me, looking even more determined.

"I love you, Aria, and I have since the moment I met you. Please consider the opportunity you have here."

Yastine began mocking gagging noises. McKee shot her an evil look, warning her. She rolled her eyes and quit, but she didn't look the least bit afraid of his glower. I shook my head, disbelief plaguing me.

"You don't love me. If you did, I wouldn't be here right now. I wouldn't have been knocked out, tied to a chair, and

held here against my will. That's not love. Besides, it wouldn't matter even if it was. You know I love Tallis."

I refrained from calling him a psycho, since that would probably get me killed quicker.

Yastine was snickering now, reveling in my refusal as though it was comical. McKee just ignored her this time.

Tags: C.M. Owens The Coveted Saga Fantasy