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"Oh, I'm sorry," I murmured uncomfortably.

I felt awkward as I stumbled for something better to say, but there was nothing. I didn't know him, so how could I say something more appropriate?

"Thanks," he muttered with an obligatory breath.

His voice was meek, like he was exhausted. But he didn't look as dreadful as I'm sure he felt. He was young, maybe twenty-two—or one-hundred-and-twenty-two. Who knew around here?

He had light, sandy blonde hair, and he was in desperate need of a haircut. He wasn't doing well with the shag look, but I'm sure he had other things that held priority over his hair at the moment.

When he looked up to meet my gaze, his blue eyes were stunning. He was attractive, so I tried to break eye contact quickly. I didn't need to accidentally make anyone else have feelings for me. The whole mortal and immortal crazy links were driving me crazy.

He smirked slightly, almost like he knew what I was doing. Or maybe he just noticed me checking him out and misconstrued it for attraction.

"He's asked to help out and go to school with you for added protection. He enrolled this morning.” Iris handed him a key. "You can stay with Arisianna on the third floor. There's an extra room. We have some things to do in town, but you can go ahead and start getting settled in. Arisianna will show you the room we've prepared for you. Just call me if you need anything, or if you have any problems."

Iris changed into her old lady face, which gave me a few unwanted chills. It was hard to get use to her flip-flopping back and forth between the two.

Henry followed me up the stairs, never speaking. I showed him to his room and fidgeted uneasily as I tried to figure out if I should talk or walk away. I mean, really? Couldn't someone have coached me up a little better? I'd never been in that situation before.

Finally, I decided to ask for his input on the matter. "I'm sorry. I really am a socially awkward person and I have no idea what to do. Should I say something or just walk away and give you some space?"

He laughed ever so slightly, seeming to be pleased with my honesty. "Please, stay. I need socially awkward. It's been a rough day with everyone's condolences. I would like to just have a regular conversation with someone who doesn't have the perfect thing to say."

He was in luck, because I never said anything perfect.

I pulled up a chair and sat with my arms crossed in front of my chest. "So how old are you?"

He smiled and cut his eyes toward the floor before answering. "I'm twenty-one."

My head bobbed with a bit of a laugh. "So, how old are you, really?"

His smile spread, and for a second, it seemed as though he was distracted from his pain.

"One-hundred-and-ten. My mom was witch and my dad was bodyguard—just like your sister and Chris."

"So, what is your amazing power?"

"Your grandmother has asked me not to say it aloud. She feels like someone is watching the house and the family. She thinks it's safer to keep what I can do a secret, until she can find out for sure."

I thought back to all the times I had felt the same way. I had convinced myself that I was just paranoid. Surprised Iris had the same concern, I said, "Wow, I didn't know anything about that."

It annoyed me that no one had said anything to me. Of course, I had been a little absorbed with the whole Tallis-heartbreak thing.

"Yeah, I probably shouldn't be saying anything about it right now. Maybe sometime we can find somewhere we can be sure no one is listening."

He looked out the window, surveying the yard with a wary eye.

"Yeah, I'll think of somewhere."

The only place I trusted was the Verdan house, but I certainly couldn't go there. I changed the subject—since it was off limits anyway.

"So... why do you want to go to school again?" I ask, possibly making it sound incredulous.

He chuckled. I didn't find it funny. Who willingly dives back into hell?

"Well, I heard about the guy that was protecting you—the link and all."

Link this, link that—everyone wants to talk about frigging links.

Tags: C.M. Owens The Coveted Saga Fantasy