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Tallis just stared at me blankly. For once he looked stumped.

The rest of the room had gotten quiet as Jaslene cleared her throat to continue. "Lokan learned to control magic as Merlin had. He learned to create his own magic without any conductors. He has a black smoke that acts as a weapon—a fog that can strangle and destroy witches quicker than drowning. I've never seen anything like it.

"He learned how to turn himself immortal when he turned thirty-five, but I can't see how he did it. He's found a way to hide that from me. He must be stealing essences just as the other dark lights, but I can't find that either. I'm also not sure how he was able to get around the side effects, but there is no other explanation for his power. If he wasn't stealing essences, then there would be nothing tying him to the dark side. He's more powerful than we initially feared. This is going to be a fight that we have to prepare for. I'm afraid there are far too many gaps in my visions to be of any further assistance."

"When is he coming?" I heard a worried changer ask.

"He can't come after us for the time being. He can't touch any of us until Arisianna's transformation. He'll stay hidden from us for now because we can fight him."

"Why can't he touch us now?" Ash asked, echoing my confusion.

"Because of the spell Isis cast. She said protect your blood and she will protect you in the light. No Coldwell female mortal witch can be harmed her blood, nor can any of her protectors be harmed by her blood. He is forced to feel protective of her. That's why he told her of Graven's quest to find something that was going to make him stronger—Lokan is bound to the spell. He felt compelled to tell her about the imminent threat that Graven posed.

"Right now, Aria is the only mortal witch in our family. He cannot hurt any Coldwell girl before they step into their powers—at least that's what I've gathered from the collection of visions. After the transformation, however, he believes he can.

"He's never tested that theory, though. He hates our entire family. He feels as though we're the family he should have had. He blames us for his father's death. He hates anyone in connection to Isis and Merlin.

"He wanted to attack when Arisianna was still in guardianship, but Ash just received her powers last year, and he was unsure of his boundaries. He was afraid of being forced to expose himself, as he did with Arisianna. He didn't find us until five years ago. He hasn't had a safe chance to come after us yet.

"He's a very patient and calculative person. He won't make his move until he's certain he'll win. That's why he's survived for so long and stayed under the radar so well. He is watching her closely and testing his boundaries. He wants to be ready to attack as soon as she turns in a few years.

"That's as much as I've been able to piece together for the present, and none of that is definitive because I'm trying to glue the snippets of visions together to formulate it. The past shows clearer—before he learned to guard himself. We need to practice our shielding for the younger ones. We're going to need a lot more defense."

Tallis stood up to speak. "I have somewhere I can take Aria and Amelia if that's okay with you. I know it'll be safe. I'll take Henry with me as well."

Iris nodded. "That's exactly what I was hoping you would say. Nowhere with my family's crest will be safe. It will take at least three months to create all new crests. I may can cast something to help move things along."

"He can't hurt me until I transform, so we shouldn't worry. Right?" I asked, confused by their panic.

Tallis tilted my face up so that my eyes met his. "He can't hurt you, but he can learn your every move. He can come and go as he pleases. No one is willing to take the risk of him finding a way around the magic that protects you. Especially when there is nothing concrete to prove it a fact, rather than a theory. Magic seems to evolve by the hour. What we knew two hours ago may become irrelevant in five minutes. You're coming with me, and we will have to move fast."

I just thought it was going to be bad to stay with the Verdans—all of them. Now it'll just be me, Tallis, Amelia, and Henry. It'll be nonstop awkward moments with more push and pull than my heart can endure.

Tallis turned to a girl I had only seen once but never met. "Can you follow us and wash their scent?"

/> The tall slender girl replied in an echoed tone, "Yes." Then she disappeared out the door.

My bags were still in his car. I guess it was good we hadn't bothered to get them out since now we were about to be on the move. Tallis flashed upstairs to grab a bag for himself. I hugged my family just before Tallis grabbed my hand.

Amelia and Henry were right behind us. It seemed like a never-ending battle just to stay alive. I couldn't wait to be able to defend myself. I was sick of running.

Chapter 10


No matter how many problems you hide from, there's always something you have to face.

Tallis stepped on the gas so hard that my head slung back. I could heard tires squealing and rubber burning. There was another car behind us that was driving at the same ridiculous speed. It was the girl he had asked to wash our scent.

I turned to look at Henry and Amelia in the back seat. They were nestled into each other, like two puzzle pieces. He was protectively draped around her. I was jealous and yet worried in the same breath.

Amelia would be crushed once Henry had to do as Tallis had. But if they could stay together, why couldn't we?

Tallis put his hand on my leg, which distracted me from my own reverie. He kept his eyes on the road as he spoke.

"I'll keep you safe no matter what," he said softly.

"Just don't run off and leave me alone wherever we're going," I mumbled, already dreading his first freak-out that was sure to come the second we found ourselves in a too-close situation.

Tags: C.M. Owens The Coveted Saga Fantasy