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I started to walk toward Taryn as she stared blankly at Warren who was still lifelessly floating in the pool. Amelia grabbed my arm very forcefully and started pulling me back towards her.

"Aria, don't," she whispered, panicked as her eyes stayed wide.

The recent traumatic events were provoking unnecessary fear, and now she was a little paranoid.

"Amelia, she's a bodyguard. She's part of our coven."

I smiled and looked toward Taryn, but she seemed different. Her once annoyingly vibrant personality was absent, and a snarling contradiction was in its place. She glared at Amelia like she was disgusted. Something was wrong—so, so wrong.

In place of her normally perky smile was a furious, foaming-at-the mouth scowl. She was almost unrecognizable as hell's fury moved to reside in her glassy eyes.

"You brought an empath into this house," she hissed, her body poised for attack.

She almost growled at Amelia, treating her like the enemy.

The twilight zone had just found my house apparently. Even in an alternate universe I had never imagined Taryn being able to act this scary.

Only our immediate family and the Verdans knew about Amelia so far, so I understood why Taryn didn't know. Chris was the only bodyguard that knew about her. I understood her surprise, but I didn't understand her reaction.

Amelia tugged my arm gently as she whispered, "She's not on our side. She's one of them." She pointed to Warren's body still floating in the pool.

The alarm in her tone wrapped around the words, guiding me to what she was trying to say, but I couldn't understand. But as soon as it stopped confusing me, it made perfect sense. A sickness tainted me to my core, shaking me with a dark realization.

The only way Warren could have gotten in was if someone had let him in; someone who could block the crests because they were a trusted part of the coven. That someone was Taryn.

Adrenaline fueled my anger as my teeth ground together. "Taryn?" I bit out. "It's been you? The one who has been leaking all of our secrets and helping the dramians is you?"

I couldn't believe it. McKee and his family would be so devastated. Not to mention Iris and the rest of my family. Everyone had entrusted their lives with her.

Her vibrant and bubbly persona had all been fake. Her real colors were showing very clearly now—and she might as well have been a black hole. Amelia could see right through her, so she couldn't hide. The pool wouldn't save us from Taryn. It more than likely wouldn't recognize her as a threat because she was part of the coven. I couldn't believe this was happening.

Seeming disgusted with me, Taryn said, "Don't give me that self-righteous attitude, Aria. You have no idea what life has been like for me. Centuries of guarding a witch will make you a little resentful."

She paced as the bitterness in her eyes multiplied, making her anger almost tangible. Her eyes locked on mine as she continued.

"I grew tired of being someone's babysitter many years back. So long ago we were prestigious, coveted even. We were invincibles. That was our name in the immortal world of magic—invincibles. We were better in every way. We were stronger, faster, no essence, no light, and we were invincible against almost every form of magic. Then magic evolved, thanks to Isis's spell.

"All the witches kept getting stronger and all their magic, too. Soon we were almost equal as far as strength and speed. As the magic grew even stronger, we weren't invincible to all of the new magic. The amount of magic we could withstand became more and more limited with every new generation born. Little did I know that one day we would be disgraced to the point where our skill set revolved around hiding witches. That's my job now. To mask your precious essence so that no one can come after you. That's how belittled my title has become. We went from being called invincibles, to being called bodyguards. It's enough to really piss you off. So pardon me for being fed up."

Lunatic—that was the best word to describe the sociopath in front of me. Her monologue continued as my mind frantically searched for a way out of this.

"I've hand-delivered you to so many of the idiots Graven keeps sending. I don't know what what's so special about you that makes them unable to do as they were told. Then on top of that, you have my brother, Tallis, and Jared in love with you, completely wrapped around your finger; guys throwing themselves in the line of fire to save you. Unbelievable.

"A witch used to be nothing in comparison to me. These days they look down on me. And now your family has brought an empath into the coven? You've given her your protective crests? And I'm sure they have plenty of my kind selected to take care of her as well. Hmm? That's just another stab in my gut.

"Empaths are the scum beneath my feet. They're nothing—less than nothing—but because there are so few, they're more coveted than I am. They're nothing more than a hiccup in magic—an accidental existence. Yet here you are sitting with her, trusting her, and worrying about her safety. Some thing that doesn't even deserve to breathe the same air as I do!" she yelled, pointing to her chest for emphasis, her eyes ablaze with furious hatred.

Her breaths became instantly calm, and she unleashed a smile that would deceive someone who hadn't just heard her psychotic rant.

"Tonight they'll just think that someone managed to break through a gap. I tried to stop them, and I was wounded in the process. I killed the guy, but sadly, it was too late. I'll shed a few tears for effect.

"Then little by little I will finish off the ever so powerful Coldwell coven. By which point I will have secured a comfortable position in the dark realm of Graven. I can promise you that I will not be guarding anyone ever again. I'll be famous for the feat I plan to accomplish. Starting with you."

Amelia stepped in front of me, even though she didn't stand a chance, as Taryn smiled and added, "Oh don't worry, empath, I planned on killing you first."

In nothing less than a blur, Taryn charged us. Amelia had that same wild-eyed look again as she held her hand from Warren to Taryn. The blur stilled suddenly, and Taryn became visible again, gasping as she doubled over and clutched her stomach, her hair veiling her face. A garbled scream rang out as she dropped to her knees, crying as the pain intensified.

Amelia looked on, seeming expressionless as she glared at her. Her instincts were running her right now—saving us.

Tags: C.M. Owens The Coveted Saga Fantasy