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"So, you want to grab something to eat after school?" Henry flirted, his smile concentrated on making Amelia dissolve.

But she didn't dissolve, much to my surprise. She barely even mustered up the energy to attempt to smile back.

"I wish I could, but I have to go straight home. My dad gets mad if I don't, you know?"

"What about this weekend?"

Amelia's spirits perked up and she giggled. I just kept my head in my locker, shielding myself, trying not to feel the pang of envy. Maybe that's why I wanted to say something. I couldn't say something if my intentions could possibly be tainted.

"Yeah, I'll definitely try," she said with her sugary sweet voice.

And then I heard the hyenas. This time, you didn't need excellent hearing to hear what they were saying. They made sure everyone around us could hear. This time Henry couldn't kiss me and shut them up. This time Amelia couldn't call them all tramps, since it appeared she had stolen Henry from me.

"Oh, how sad. The only friend she has made has stolen her newest eye candy. I wonder who she'll sleep with next. Hmmm, we'll have to round up so fresh meat for her. No one will come back for seconds, it seems. Must be more wrong with her than what you can see on top of the clothes."

They cackled in unison, reveling in my growing humiliation. I just stood there with tears in my eyes, my head barely out of my locker. It was more mortifying than hurtful. People had started snickering throughout the hall way.

Amelia stepped toward them, bringing my attention away from the gray walls of my locker. Her head tilted to the side as her eyes took on a shade of wild. She smiled menacingly, as the leader of the hyenas—Elaina—started crying uncontrollably.

Bizarre? That was putting it mildly.

Then Elaina grabbed her stomach and doubled over as if she was sick. She took off running down the hall like she was trying to get away from something, but there was nothing and no one chasing her.

Tallis was suddenly in front of me, grabbing me by the waist and swinging me to where his face was centimeters from mine. I felt the heat from his touch rush through me with an overwhelming passionate fire. My breaths had stopped the second I forgot how to breathe.

He bent over to meet my face, and I was bending backwards. Our faces were so close to each other that I could feel his breath brushing against my lips, teasing me, begging me for more. I could feel the erupting passion started to boil out of me. The fire was igniting from within.

I could feel the sensational heat flooding through me with no resistance. Everything around me ceased to exist.

His eyes were locked with mine. I could see desire, passion, and pain all at once.

Finally, he broke the breathless silence. "I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you."

The rest of the hyena pack backed up, confused and stunned by Elaina's outburst. They walked away, looking at us oddly, and they seemed as if they were about to cry, too.

When my breathing returned, it was harsh and labored. I wasn't sure what had come over Tallis. I was scared to move too fast, but I could see Amelia suddenly looking almost terrified and stunned as she quickly ran in the opposite direction that Elaina had. Tallis's arms slipped off of me just as she fled.

"I'm sorry. Damn. I don't know what possessed me to do that. I didn't mean to—" I rolled my eyes his same old song and dance, and cut him off with a wave of my hand.

I pushed him back and chased after Amelia before he could finish. She veered from her course, and dove into the bathroom. I followed quickly, still reeling from the crazy mess that happened in the hall.

"Amelia, are you okay?" I asked, when I found her.

She didn't answer or even acknowledge me. I stared at her while she leaned over the sink, her breaths shallow and hastened. Her shirt was slightly raised up on her back. There was a huge, dark bruise that distracted me.

"How did you get that bruise?"

"I fell," she said, quickly pulling her shirt down. "I'll be fine. I just think I'm sick." She darted by me and ran out of the bathroom and back down the hall.

"Amelia!" I called after her, but she didn't answer or even look back. Then I got a text from Henry.

Meet us outside now!


I shook my head and ran outside to the parking lot. Tallis's white Range Rover screeched to a halt in front of me, making me stumble over my own feet from the surprise.

"Get in," he ordered, rushing me.

Tags: C.M. Owens The Coveted Saga Fantasy