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I needed to feel his arms around me. I needed him. Another guy came up and grabbed me by the waist to join me in my dancing, but I pushed him away.

I walked over to Tallis and Everett, staggering just a little. I smiled at both of them as they turned to meet my eyes. "So, can someone please dance with me? I'm tired of getting groped by the mortals."

Everett looked around warily and then whispered, "Not so loud, Aria."

Tallis smiled at my intoxicated self. "She has no idea what she's saying or doing right now, Everett. Personally, I don't think anyone of them would remember or believe her if she spilled every secret we have right now."

Everett nodded humorously, his eyes sparking with amusement. Then I continued. "So, any takers?"

Tallis sighed loudly. "Yeah. I'll dance with you."


I smiled too big and pulled him out onto the floor, despite the fact that he seemed hesitant in his decision. I started to dance, and then a slow song came on. Now I could see that he was shifting around uncomfortably. All that did was piss me off.

"Is it really that repulsive to think about touching me right now?"

No filter. Alcohol meant no filter.

His head dropped back for a second, but he finally brought his eyes back down to mine. "Aria, you know better than that."

He put his arms around my waist, and I slid into his embrace, holding him as tightly as I could. I rested my head on his chest and started dancing.

I couldn't enjoy the moment, though. I had him so close to me, but I could only think about one thing. I could feel something terrible about to happen—something that couldn't be coming at a worse time. I couldn't stop it either.

I pushed myself free of his embrace and darted outside. Shoving people out of my way, I headed straight toward the railing on the porch. As if I needed another reason to be tortured at school, I put on a show, hurling over the railing in front of everyone.

I could hear some people snickering. Tallis and Everett followed me out to investigate my abrupt departure.

Everett wrinkled his nose up as he said, "Well I certainly don't miss feeling that feeling."

Tallis laughed under his breath, and then he grabbed my hair as I began heaving again. After I had emptied my stomach of all of its contents, and my dignity a well, he picked me up and carried me to his car.

Humiliating was too kind of a word to describe that moment.

He placed me in the front seat and buckled me up as though I was a helpless child. When he closed the door, I laid my head against it, needing something to stop the hellacious, unrelenting spinning going on. I heard him talking to Everett before getting in the car. I ignored his eyes, but I heard his pitying words.

"Are you okay?"

I could have lied, but what was the point? "No."

He laughed lightly and cranked the Range Rover. He pulled out of the driveway and headed back to my house. I didn't make it that far, though. I passed out before we were even half way back.

I'd never had my head pummeled by a jackhammer, but I was pretty sure it felt a lot like a hangover. Who in their right mind would ever do this to themselves? Besides me, obviously. And I'd learned my lesson. Never. Again.

I groaned as I massaged my temples, then I covered my head with the blanket to drown out the obnoxious morning light that insisted on fueling the raging lunatic assaulting the inside of my head.

As if I needed any more stimulation to my migraine, someone knocked, only aggravating the vicious rhythm of the jackhammer.


Henry poked his head in with a knowing grin. He walked the rest of the way in, carrying a glass of water. "Good morning, sunshine."

Was he always so loud? We needed to discuss a proper volume.

I muttered something that even I didn't understand, and grabbed my head that was being sloshed around. "Oh… it's morning, alright," I groaned, annoyed and in pain.

He laughed a little harder—too loudly if you ask me—and handed me the glass of water. I grabbed it gratefully. My lips were dry and cracked, punishing me when I tried to open my mouth too wide. It felt like the Sahara Desert had just taken up residence in my mouth.

Tags: C.M. Owens The Coveted Saga Fantasy