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"Why would you let him go out there all alone?" I growled.

Desmond cowered down, acting as though he could see the devil in my eyes. "I can go help him if you want me to."

I nodded, calming down a little.

Desmond smiled and relaxed as well. Then my eyes narrowed at him impatiently. It took him a second, but realization finally sank in.

"Oh. You mean now. Okay."

He leapt over the railing of the porch and headed into the woods, shifting into a massive panther before I lost sight of him. I couldn't believe he was letting Tallis hunt alone.

We finally pulled up at the festival. Ayla and Jay were making me feel nauseated with their overly sappy affection. Gag. I was so happy to see Amelia and Henry.

"Thank God," I said as I raced toward them, desperate to escape my brother and his soul mate. "They're making me sick."

Henry laughed knowingly, and we walked to a game stand. He paid the guy a couple of dollars and the man handed him a ball. Henry smiled and winked at Amelia before winding up to throw.

He hit the heavy little pins and sent them sailing off the platform. I just rolled my eyes. Cheater.

The man behind the counter seemed shocked. He handed Henry an oversized stuffed bear, which Henry handed to Amelia while smiling like a boy with a crush.

"Well, I think this would look better in your room than mine."

She laughed while blushing. "Thank you."

They might as well have been the only two people in the universe.

Great. This wasn't much better than hanging out with Jay and Ayla. I looked around, hoping to see anybody I knew, needing to escape a gag-me couple once more. There was no one, though.

We walked around for a while, and even rode some rides. We had been there for at least an hour. Amelia had more stuffed animals than she knew what to do with. I was carrying a small tiger for her. The poor tiger was strangled every time Henry said something too sweet to her.

"Hey, you're Aria right?" a random voice asked, startling me.

He was about six-feet tall and he had shaggy brown hair. He was cute, sort of. He would have been dreamy to anyone who hadn't seen Tallis. Unfortunately, I had seen Tallis, so this guy registered below par.

I felt bad for not knowing his name, since he apparently knew mine. "Yeah," I mumbled finally.

He smiled, realizing that I had no clue who he was. "My name is Trey. I had Spanish with you last semester. You were an absolute whiz."

"Sorry. I don't pay too much attention to anyone in class."

He didn't acknowledge that as he looked around, seeming to be searching for anyone who might be with me. "Do you want to grab a bite?"

I smiled uncomfortably. "I don't know. I'm really not that hungry right now. We're not too far from leaving."

"Just a bag of cotton candy, then? Come on. I don't bite."

I felt obligated for some reason. Amelia and Henry walked off, abandoning me. I glared at their backs, wondering if Amelia had a knack for knowing when I was irritated.

I finally relented, "Okay. I'll take a candied apple."

His triumphant grin spread, and he glanced over my shoulder at a nearby stand.

"Great. Be right back. Don't move. Please."

I laughed slightly at his eagerness to spend a moment with me. It made me feel good, actually, considering how desperate Tallis seemed to stay away. My confidence needed a boost.

I was waiting for him to come back when I saw something that sent chills up and down my body. Every part of me tingled with desire and excitement as Tallis stepped into view, walking toward me.

Tags: C.M. Owens The Coveted Saga Fantasy