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"Aria! You're going to be late if you don't get going!"

I squealed as a shattering startled me worse than the obnoxious warning. Jay's yelling had just caused a bulb to burst in my bedroom. I was growing more and more irritated with constantly replacing the bulbs all the time.

I rolled my eyes as I sprinted down the stairs. "Yeah, Yeah. This is the first day I've ever been running late."

I was hurriedly putting my shoes on as Jay chuckled. "I know. I just like giving you a hard time."

I sighed in exasperation, and then grabbed a banana for breakfast.

Jay spoke while I was still dashing around to get everything I needed. "Hey, tonight is the big town festival. You going? You can ride with Ayla and me if you want to."

I started racing to the door while eating. My mouth was full as I answered, "Yeah. Sounds good."

Then I darted out the door before he could say anything else. I couldn't believe I overslept. It had been a rough night, though. I dreamed about Tallis all night long. Every time I would wake up, I would simply go back to sleep and the dream would resume right where it left off. I found myself crying in my sleep far too often these days.

I drove as safely as possible to school. Henry didn't seem fazed by any of my haphazard curve speed. Of course, he was immortal—to an extent. A car wreck wouldn't have given him a scratch.

Fortunately, I managed to grab a seat just before the class bell rang. The day drug by so slowly.

I was so happy when lunch rolled around. The banana I had eaten earlier just wasn't enough to satisfy my grumbling gut.

After overfilling my tray, I sat down across from Amelia. Taryn and McKee were both absent. I was glad, though. McKee had been more determined than ever to be around me now that Tallis was done. It was a nice reprieve to just be able to sit and enjoy lunch.

Henry sat down beside Amelia and spoke quietly to her. "So, are you going to the festival tonight?"

I grinned at his subtlety. Amelia smiled much larger than I think she intended to. But the smile fell almost as quickly as it had spread.

"I don't know. I haven't heard anything about it."

Henry tried to sound casual, even though I could still tell he was nervous. "It's pretty cool, actually. I've only been to it a couple of times when I came to visit Grayford, but they have a bunch of carnival type activities. There're a few rides and stuff, too. It would be my treat if you wanted to maybe… go with me."

For Henry's age, you wouldn't think he would sound so unpracticed, but it was almost comical to witness. He was suddenly a real teenager with a crush. Actually, I was pretty sure teenagers had more swagger than him at that moment.

Amelia blushed a vibrant crimson, then she sheepishly responded, "Yeah. That sounds good. Tonight would be a good night."

I was trying not to giggle as they planned their first date. It was a little awkward to be listening in, but I couldn't help myself. I needed the distraction.

"Can I pick you up around seven? Just tell me where you live."

Her eyes changed suddenly. Something was wrong, but I didn't know what exactly. Her hands shook, so she put them under the table.

"No. I'll just meet you here—at the school—at seven."

"I don't mind picking you up at your house. It's really no problem at all."

She smiled and her eyes softened as she spoke. "It's kind of embarrassing to say, but my dad doesn't really let me do a whole lot. But every Friday he goes bowling with some of his buddies. That's why I said it was a good night. He leaves at six, but I don't want to take any chances. He never checks in on me, so we can stay out as late as you want to."

Henry relaxed a bit, and then he blushed as well. "Sounds good. I'll just pick you up from here."

I rolled my eyes and smiled at the same time. Then Henry leaned over the table. "Do you want to come with us?"

Ah. A pity third-wheel offer. How could a girl refuse such a thing?

I swatted as though I was knocking away his invitation. "No. Thanks, though. Jay already offered to take me with him and Ayla. I'll catch up with you two there."

Amelia mouthed, "Thank you."

I winked at her. She worked really hard not to smile for the rest of lunch. I glanced over to see Tallis throwing away his drink and heading out of the lunchroom. I decided to run and check on him. Perhaps I needed any excuse at all just to speak to him.

Tags: C.M. Owens The Coveted Saga Fantasy