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He gave me a cocky smirk as he nodded. Then he winked at me and turned back to continue blazing.

I was fascinated with his skill, so I decided to watch. His movements and his power were so magnificent together, a mesmerizing force that left me enthralled. I tried to deny my heavy lids the ability to shut, but they kept winning the battle. I sat in the small chair, fighting sleep, determined to watch, but it was pointless. In the end, the locking grip of sleep prevailed.

I woke up the next morning to the perfect temperature for a house. I looked around to see I was in my room. I was sort of embarrassed about falling asleep while watching Jared. I supposed he had put me in my bed.

I got ready and went downstairs. I could smell breakfast cooking. When I reached the bottom of the steps, I found Gear and Olivia.

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

I blushed slightly at Gear's question, which made him raise his brow in suspicion.

My mind flashed back to the intense moment I had unexpectedly shared with Jared. "Yeah, but I had to adjust the thermostat early this morning."

Then I heard Jay start to laugh as he joined us in the kitchen. "Sorry, Aria. I think I may have bumped it last night on my way out."

I tried not to think of my late-night rendezvous with Jared as I fibbed slightly. "No big deal. I just fixed it and went back to bed." Then I remembered something. "Hey, Jay. What're you doing tonight?"

Jay raised one eyebrow at me. "Nothing that I know of. Why do you ask?"

I sighed in exasperation. "There's this stupid party I have to go to. Mom wants me to engage in every social activity I'm invited to. I really don't want to go alone, and I haven't exactly made any friends yet."

He frowned at me. "What about Taryn or McKee?"

I rolled my eyes. "Taryn has a thing to do out of town, and given the bizarre behavior of McKee, I'd rather not ask him. I think that would only complicate things more."

"Selesha?" he asked, swallowing hard after straining out her name.

Jay hadn't spoken about Selesha much since he met Ayla, and Selesha had gone off to lick her wounds in solitude. She'd asked Olivia not to say anything, but Olivia let it slip to me.

"Busy," I mumbled, stealing a quick glance at Olivia.

She was frowning now. Selesha was one of her best friends, and Jay was completely in love with Ayla. Olivia felt disloyal, but she knew Jay couldn't deny his soul mate, nor did he want to.

Apparently Selesha and Jay were linked. The same thing Tallis thought was going on between us. The moment he found his other half, his feelings for Selesha vanished. I couldn't imagine the heartbreak she was facing, because, despite their denials, they were both captivated by the other.

Jay shook his head after a beat. "I can't go. I'd have to take Ayla, because I can't leave her for too long yet, and I'm an electric. If anyone was to say anything about her that made me mad, every light bulb in the house would blow. It'd be fortunate if no one got electrocuted."

It was very frustrating how close two soul mates had to stay after the initial acceptance of the connection. I did, however, understand his point. So then I turned my attention to Gear. "How about you?"

He frowned. "I would, Aria, but I have to go check out some leads tonight. Everett is guarding you tonight. Why don't you just go with him?"

I rolled my eyes. "I don't think he likes me very much. I'll just ask Ash. Maybe she can go with me."

"She has to meet up with some other blazers for training tonight. And before you think about Aster, she and Chris have plans as well. You may have to go solo tonight," Jay said, shrugging.

I sighed in aggravation. "I'd rather not. I can only imagine the things that would be said if I showed up alone after all the guy drama I've had at school. I already get tired of hearing what the hyenas have to say when I have somebody with me, let alone when I'm by myself."

Jay scowled, his face reddened, and I heard at least two light bulbs shatter in the chandelier that was growing tired of its stress.

"I changed my mind," he said through gritted teeth, a few more bulbs bursting to add drama. "

I'll go and take care of them. Then you won't have to worry about them anymore."

I rolled my eyes again and handed him the broom, agitated by the fact I was finding normalcy in the chaos.

"No. That won't be necessary. I'll just find someone else... Maybe."

"I'll take her," a new voice interjected. "I don't have anything else to do tonight. I'll make sure no one has anything wise to say either. I've got enough swagger for a social function."

Tags: C.M. Owens The Coveted Saga Fantasy