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"So... How much of his body did you see last night?"

"Des!" Tallis yelled before slapping his own forehead, exasperated.

Desmond jumped out of the car and changed back into a owl as Tallis swatted at him. He fell out of his clothes as he did so, and they collapsed onto the asphalt.

Tallis walked back to the car, picking up Desmond's clothes out of the road. He tossed them in the backseat as he opened the door. He looked at me sort of sheepishly, grimacing after a second.

"Sorry about that. Des has his moments when he… Well, he's just an ass."

I laughed, still slightly mortified about my rogue confession.

"I have two brothers and two sisters. Explanations for family humiliation is so not necessary." I smiled as he laughed.

"Good to know." He put the car in gear and started in a different direction than what we had been going.

I was unaware of any changes to the plan. "Where are we going?"

"We're going to my house first. I want you to meet some of the changers. I forgot they're meeting today."

"I wish I had dressed better." I looked down at my blue jeans and T-Shirt. It wasn't exactly going to make a good first impression.

His head tilted and his eyes locked with mine as he spoke in his smoldering tone. "You look pretty amazing to me."

I blushed fiercely, and started to squirm directly after.

"Can you change?"

I hadn't given it much thought. I knew he could blow stuff up, but he was half witch, half changer.

He smiled. "No, I tried for a while though. Des would tackle me or punch me in the arm and change while he was jumping out the window. Very frustrating."

I snickered slightly at the small scowl on his face. Then he smiled. "When I learned to control my power, things changed. He would fly away, and I'd use enough power to break a branch to land on him. Once I broke a whole tree over on him."

I looked at him oddly while gasping. He recognized my quizzical face. "Don't worry. I didn't hurt

him. I did, however, blow out the window to his bedroom by accident. He got rained on for several days before it got fixed. That was nice."

He sighed with a bit of pride. He seemed to be reminiscing about those events like they were some small victories.

"I guess my siblings aren't so bad after all."

He let a louder laugh escape.

"Things will change when you get your powers. You find ways to amuse yourself when you've lived as long as we have."

I looked at his face. It was pristine and captivating. I could have stared all day.

I was falling for him so fast. Every amazing detail about him drew me in closer. The wind continued to blow in my hair. He turned and smiled at me.

"Are you going to be okay with this? I didn't think about it, but this might be pretty scary for you. You've had a lot thrown on your plate in two days. Maybe I should take you home first before I go to this. I could come over later, or just pick you up in the morning."

I decided quickly that I could deal with any sort of crazy better than I could handle being separated from him.

"No. I'm fine. I admit that it's a lot to process, but I'm good. I already know about changers, and I just saw your brother naked, so it can't get too much worse." I thought about that for a minute. "Oh no. They're not going to get naked in front of me, too, are they?"

He laughed so hard that it turned into a cough. "No. They're a little more modest than Des. You're not meeting a band of naked men or anything." He smiled at me as we pulled into his driveway.

"You probably need to call your grandma though. So she doesn't worry." Then he handed me his phone.

Tags: C.M. Owens The Coveted Saga Fantasy