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"So you're a… I mean... you can… And that guy was a… that means that I'm a-"

He just smiled encouragingly at my stammering attempt. "Welcome to the real world, Aria. I just need you to try to understand and trust me ri

ght now. I know it's a lot to digest, but we have to get out of here."


Okay? I didn't know why I said that. It just came out. Absolutely nothing was okay, other than him holding me. Despite all logic, I felt safe in his arms - protected. He'd just battled some fire wielding demon to save me.

I had one arm wrapped around his neck and my other was flat against his chest. His heart was beating fast, too.

Well duh, he was just in a massive fight with a blazer.

Oh my gosh… this was real. I started crying, overwhelmed by the complete absurdity of it all when it crashed down on me.

"It's okay. I promise. It's all a little much at first, but it gets better. You'll like my sister. She'll be able to help the overwhelming emotions you're experiencing. My mom can help you understand things better. Just be prepared for Desmond, my brother... He's going to be intense at first. He's harmless though. My dad may surprise you a bit, considering what you have been told."

It sounded like he was talking gibberish, though I'm almost sure it was English.

His voice was so sincere and calm. Regardless of everything that had just happened, he was calm.

I didn't have the strength to speak anymore. I just nodded in acceptance of what he said, and the next thing I knew, he was putting me in the passenger seat of my car.

I had never noticed before, but that same symbol I'd seen all over the house was imbedded on the headrests of my seats, as well as the dashboard, and even the floor mats - the crescent moon inside the eye.

How have I missed these? Great. I was just attacked by something that shouldn't exist, saved by a guy from school with exploding hands, and my concern was symbols etched in my car. Perfect. I've lost my mind.

As soon as he shut my door, it seemed like he was opening the driver's door. I couldn't process all of this right now. It was too much too quick, but I knew I had to. Someone or some... thing just tried to kill me. If it hadn't been for Tallis, the monster would have succeeded in his quest.

The music played dully in the background as he drove away from the dirt road. I had to ask him something. I had to know how he knew - about me in trouble and who I was, when I didn't even know.

I could hear my voice still weak and shaky as I overloaded him with my incessant list of questions. "How did you know where I was? How did you know he was killing me? Who are you really? Who am I? What are we exactly?"

He smiled compassionately, but never took his eyes off the road as he responded with his voice still calm. It was like it was nothing out of the ordinary for him.

"I was worried about you driving while being so upset, so I followed you. I kept a good distance, tracking the slight scent you were leaving behind. It’s not hard to follow. You have a strong essence. That's why he wanted you so badly. McKee and Taryn were a little less obvious. I have to admit, I was impressed by your dirt road driving skills. The way you shook them off your tail was-"

I interrupted him with panic in my voice as I sat straight up. "That was Taryn and McKee? Oh my gosh! I have to go see how badly they're hurt! I didn't know they-"

"Whoa, relax. They're fine. They never saw me either. I was on foot. They aren't hurt at all. There's a lot you don't know about them. I know he's your lover boy and all, but he walked away without a scratch. I promise. No need to panic, Aria."

I sighed in exasperation over his comment. "He's not my lover boy. I just met him and his sister the first day of school. They're friends of my grandparents." I paused briefly. "How could they possibly be okay? That car rolled off the road and looked like it lost a fight with a compactor."

His head bobbed once with a bit of a laugh, surprising me. Then he smirked, still not taking his eyes off the road. "They're invincibles, or bodyguards, whatever you want to call them." He seemed to be enjoying all of this.

He spoke like I was supposed to know exactly he was talking about. I knew the confusion in my voice was unmistakable. "What is an invincible?"

"Your grandmother doesn’t go into a whole lot of detail on them during her story, but an invincible - or bodyguard - is a being that is nearly indestructible. They're immune to many witch powers, and they're sheer brute force. They have a talent for hiding a witch's essence from the wrong person, too.

"That's why they were following you. Your essence is so strong though, so they weren't doing such a good job. I am, however, a better tracker than most. I'm sure Iris told them not to take their eyes off you. They're probably going to be in big trouble when she finds out one of the dark followers attacked you."

He snickered at that last part, enjoying the fact McKee screwed up. Then his face turned more worried. It was as if he just realized how close I came to dying. Then he didn't find that so funny. His lips pursed with extreme distress.

I broke his concentration as my voice rang out in panic yet again. "First of all, Iris can't find out! Secondly, who is Graven?" I was so lost.

"Oh, Iris has to find out. Otherwise, the next time may be far worse. I killed that guy back there so no one would find out about you, but your essence is so strong when completely unguarded, that he probably smelled it thirty miles away the second you stepped out of your car.

"Who knows who else caught a whiff without a bodyguard around to hide you. I'm surprised McKee and Taryn didn't track you down after the wreck. Iris needs to be on the lookout. When you shook your tails – meaning McKee and Taryn - you shook your protection. They were so preoccupied tumbling that they lost their grip, and your essence most likely attracted a lot of unwanted admirers."

Tags: C.M. Owens The Coveted Saga Fantasy