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Business yap is definitely a buzz kill, but it doused the flames I needed to be extinguished, so no complaints.

He smiled yet again as he spoke to me in his heart melting tone. "I don't think we need to get too far ahead of ourselves. I think it would be best to do each task together. If we divide and conquer, it'll get done faster. However, if we do everything together, then we'll have a better overall presentation."

I was actually happy to hear him say that, though I had no intentions of sharing that with him. I felt like an inarticulate idiot around him. I was starting to worry he was going to regret not pairing up with Elaina if I kept looking like such a stupid girl.

"Okay, what do you suggest we start with?" I asked, sounding more respectable and less crackly.

He glanced at his watch before putting all of his paperwork back in his packet. Then he spoke to me while he stacked his books together.

"There's a coffee shop in town. We could go talk to them first. I want to be thorough. We can meet up after school soon and iron out some of the details there, if you want."

The butterflies rippled through my stomach, making my breathing much more labored as I breathlessly said, "Yeah. That sounds fine to me. You'll just have to give me directions. I don't really know too much about this area."

The bell rang and he stood to his feet, stacking my books on top of his as he did so. He carried my books out the door while still keeping his body close to mine. "No problem. It's not hard to find. If you're free this afternoon, we'll get started."

This time the butterflies crashed into the walls of my stomach, making me feel almost nauseated. I was trying so hard not to let my sudden anxiety attack be noticed.

"Yeah, that should be no problem at all."

He winked at me as he handed me my books, and then he jogged down the hall, disappearing into the crowd. I exhaled a big sigh of relief, denying my inner girl the right to squeal.

Finally. Some actual time alone.

I started feeling queasy as soon as that thought had time to resonate. It felt like I was coming down from a hellacious adrenaline high. Just talking to him had made my blood pump furiously through my veins.

"What's up, Aria?" Taryn asked, forcing me to jump a little in my distracted state.

Her bubbly little personality never wavered. I was just trying to keep from falling apart at the seams.


I could feel myself blushing. I couldn't even bring myself to answer the way I wanted to. I wanted to scream out in exuberance, but I fought the urge and remained calm.

She rolled her eyes. "I'm guessing things went well with Tallis today." Her tone was very condescending in a playful manner.

I smiled, though it wasn't the full-flashing, face-splitting grin that begged to be set free. I played it cool, sort of. At least I think I did.

"We just got put on the same project is all." I could feel my whole body blushing then. Crap. Sold out by my own body.

Taryn giggled, and then we were interrupted by McKee. He smiled confidently as spouted, "Alright, ladies. Enough giggling. It's gym time."

I had borrowed Taryn's phone to call Grandma Iris and let her know of my afternoon plans. She had seemed reluctant to let me go to the coffee shop. However, she agreed that my studies were important.

I was actually surprised by her hesitance to let me go, but I guess she just worried about me being in a new place.

I pulled up to the coffee shop, and a knot instantly started forming in my throat, making it seem impossible to swallow. I took a deep breath, praying for a calm that never came.

"Here goes nothing," I whispered to myself while walking in.

Tallis was already inside, engaged in conversation with one of the waitresses. She was giggling and flirting. It almost made me sick at my stomach to see.

He didn't seem to be reciprocating the same feelings toward her though, so that made me feel a little bit better. I sat down beside him at the table and received the worst look possible from the waitress.

Tallis smiled at my arrival. I glanced around at the crowded coffee shop as the waitress took our order. I noticed Everett sitting in the corner. He looked away quickly and began typing on his phone.

I glanced back at Tallis who was pulling out his packet of work f

or our project and a laptop. I did the same - pulled out my work, not a laptop. Then I whispered quietly as I motioned in the direction of Everett.

Tags: C.M. Owens The Coveted Saga Fantasy