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He nodded in acceptance of my answer and then spoke casually as he leaned up against the lockers. "So where in South America did you grow up?"

I started to feel interrogated.

"It's kind of hard to explain." I didn't know why, but I didn't really feel comfortable explaining. Thankfully, I didn't have to try to explain. His arm slid off my shoulders as Taryn ran up to us excitedly.

"My turn. Spanish is this way." She grabbed my hand, dragging me away from McKee. I waved at him. He smiled before disappearing into a classroom.

Spanish was even easier than calculus had been. As soon as the bell rang, Taryn jumped up and ran to my side.

"I'll just walk you to economics since it's on the way."

I was somewhat disappointed about that proposal, given that McKee said it was right beside his class. I assumed he would walk me there.

I wasn't used to being around guys I was attracted to. In Haluali, there were only a few my age and they were more like brothers. There really were quite a few American kids like me there - children of the fellow scientists from my mom and dad's team.

I never had any romantic feelings towards any of them. So this was different from anything I'd felt before. I really wasn't sure how to be attracted to someone, so I wasn't sure what it was that I was feeling. It wasn't the heart-stopping, drooling disaster I had encountered with the mystery guy.

I was lost in thought as we stopped by the lockers. I felt two hands grab my waist and whirl me around. It was McKee. My stomach did a slight somersault as I stared into his amazing eyes. They glistened with excitement as he spoke with such a cool tone.

"Are you ready for lunch?"

I had forgotten all about lunch, and apparently, so had Taryn. I'd been so nervous all day that I hadn't even felt hungry until he mentioned the promise of food. I was hoping my stomach wouldn't growl while I spoke.

"Yeah, I'm famished."

I looked around to see where Taryn went. Then I saw her come swishing back up. Her perkiness was still intact as she replied with a bit of silliness in her tone.

"Yeah, I just remembered it's lunch time. Come on, let's grab some grub."

We headed to the cafeteria. McKee led us through the line. He kept finding ways to touch me. I wasn't complaining though.

I grabbed an orange and some fruit salad - comfort food that reminded me of home. I paid for my food and headed toward the table where McKee and Everett were sitting. But I suddenly felt an uncontrollable compulsion to turn around.

Chill bumps flooded me without mercy, and my heart tried to explode. It was him. The guy I had spent hours trying to get out of my head.

Even from across the room, his eyes looked mesmerizing. His skin was smooth and toned. His lips were perfectly shaped and his body was brilliantly sculpted. He wasn't muscled up with bulk like McKee, but he had lean muscle.

His lean body glided across the floor so eloquently. His hair looked so soft and styled very sexy with some messy touches.

He had on a light blue, button-up shirt, but it was undone so that it showed the black tee underneath. He had on fitted blue jeans that looked as if they had been made specifically for him.

He was biting into a pear as he sat down with some other guys. I supposed he felt me staring at him, because he turned around and his eyes became locked with mine. I wasn't sure how to react. I was frozen and staring like a fool... again.

I'd secretly been begging for a chance of redemption, and here I was squandering it away. I definitely understood the whole deer in headlights thing now.

He just confidently stared back with a small, cocky smirk. I forgot there was even anyone else in the cafeteria. Finally, a voice snapped me out of it.

"Aria? Are you okay?" It was Taryn. "Did you see something?" Her tone almost sounded alarmed.

I could feel myself still distracted by Mr. Marvelous as I replied, "Umm… yeah. I mean… Who's that guy?" My eyes pointed to the marvel I had just been staring at - or mindlessly gawking at, rather. He wasn't looking at me anymore, thankfully.

She smiled and her bubbly tone returned. "That's Tallis Verdan. He started here last year. His brother graduated from here a few years ago, but Tallis just transferred here from New York. He was living with some relatives for a while because his parents travel a lot.

"His brother was living with someone who lives around here. But now his parents have taken up a permanent residence in the area. His dad is an entrepreneur of some internet business, and they're loaded. I'm talking, filthy rich. He's a bit of a heartthrob, but he's not really dateable."

I wasn't exactly thrilled with her last sentence. "Why isn't he dateable?" I asked, staring at him uncontrollably again.

"Well, he's social and has friends and all, but he tells girls he's not into dating in high school. He says it's because he doesn't want to waste his high school years tangled up in a teenage love drama. Like he's so much better than the rest of us." She rolled her eyes while speaking in a melodramatic tone before gesturing toward the table where McKee was already sitting.

Tags: C.M. Owens The Coveted Saga Fantasy