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“That must have been really tough.”

Max nods.

“Yeah, it was. It was the whole eating ramen by candlelight scenario, and it wasn’t fun. But after a few years, I got noticed by a photographer in the industry. A big name. He liked the way I did each job, but also the way I treated people with respect. As you’ve probably guessed, a lot of make-up artists are gossipy and shallow, not to mention unprofessional. But Stuart Vermeer wasn’t that way, and he gave me my first big break.”

I nod.

“Oh, Max, the gossiping sounds awful. I mean, I’m happy you were able to get away from it, but do people really do that?”

He snorts a bit.

“More than you’d believe. More than you’d want to think about.”

I nod, chin in hand.

“Well, I’ve always known that Dad trusts you with things he’d never tell anyone else, and I’m glad he has a friend like you. A friend who won’t betray his deepest, darkest secrets, although I can’t imagine what dark secrets Maurice has. Maybe that he ordered pastrami one day, instead of getting his usual chicken salad sandwich.”

My handsome companion grins.

“Well, we’ll see how Maurice feels after he finds out about us. I could see any father throwing a shit fit given this new information.” Max shoots a wry grin my way, but his statement catches me off-guard nonetheless. He’s planning on telling my father about us? So there is an ‘us’? This is a conversation for another time, but inside, my heart’s spinning with joy.

Meanwhile, I just smile at the handsome man and nod.

“So what happened next in your career?”

Max smiles and thinks back for a moment.

“Fortunately, Stuart took me under his wing. He introduced me to a lot of the right people, because in the fashion industry, connections mean a lot. I put my head down, worked hard, and started to meet the hottest celebrities and the most infamous socialites. That started getting my name into a lot of publications, and then, opportunity struck. I was approached to do the Max Wyndham cosmetics line by a huge conglomerate based in New Jersey.”

I nod.

“I know, because I see your line in Sephora. It’s impressive, Uncle Max, and I’m so proud of you for having your own make-up brand. It’s an incredible achievement.”

Max’s eyes flicker my way, the blue hard to read.

“It is,” he acknowledges. “But it gets lonely. I travel non-stop for my work, and a lot of the time, I’m just by myself moving from city to city. That’s why I’m happy we ran into each other, sweetheart,” he says, covering my hand with his own. “You’ve made a big difference in my life, Rachel, and these few days have been incredibly meaningful.”

I stare at the handsome man as my heart pounds in my ears. OMG, what is Max trying to say? Is he saying that our relationship is something to be cherished and cared for, and that this isn’t just a vacation fling? My cheeks warm as I smile at him, hoping against hope that it’s true.



Our food arrives, and we dig in, the conversation dying down a bit. In the middle of her lobster roll, Rachel looks up and blinks.

“Do you ever miss being in one place? After a lifetime of travel, do you think you could settle down?”

Wow, that’s a big question, but this woman already means a lot to me, and she deserves an honest answer. I sit back from the table for a moment and just look at her pretty features. “I don’t know. I never did, at least not until recently. The Max Wyndham brand has been around for a while now, and it’s pretty established. I don’t have to hustle the way I used to, that’s for sure.”

Rachel nods, her eyes wide.

“Of course, everyone knows you, even people not in the beauty industry. You’re huge, Uncle Max!”

I nod.

“Yeah, and it keeps me on my toes. I have a deal with Sephora where I need to do an appearance whenever they open a new store.”

Rachel gasps, her brown eyes wide.

“But there are so many Sephoras, and they’re always opening new locations all over the world!”

I nod ruefully.

“Exactly. And they’re opening retail centers in far-flung locations like Iceland and Kazakhstan these days, so as you can guess, I’m in the air more often than I am on land some months. But it is what it is, and I’m grateful for the opportunity. It just wears on me sometimes,” I acknowledge. “Does that make sense?”

Rachel shoots me a thoughtful look and my heart contracts for a moment. Her opinion matters to me, and I wait with bated breath to hear her response.

“I think I do. Uncle Max. Or at least, as much as I’m able.”

I grin and exhale with relief. We really connect, even if the curvy brunette is decades younger. I nod.

Tags: Cassandra Dee Erotic