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You have to tell him.

The backs of my eyes burn as I grab the door handle and open it before stepping inside Brayden’s room. As soon as I do, his head swivels, gaze coasting over my towel-clad body. A smile curves the edges of his lips as heat ignites in his dark eyes.

He wouldn’t look at you like that if he knew the truth.

In fact, he wouldn’t look at you at all.

You would cease to exist.

Those thoughts are like a knife to my heart.

He holds out his hand. “Come here, baby.”

The words are perched on the tip of my tongue. All I have to do is force them out. And I have to do it now. If he touches me, I’ll lose my nerve and won’t be able to tell him.

My tongue darts out to moisten my lips. “Brayden.”

“Come here,” he repeats, voice dipping lower, strumming something deep inside me.

“We need to talk.” Even as I push out the words, I gravitate toward him. It’s like there’s an invisible string connecting us.

“We can talk later. I need you now.”

His fingers lock around mine as he tugs me closer to the bed until I’m tumbling into his arms. My towel unravels before floating to the floor. And then I find myself sprawled out on top of his hard body.

My strength wavers as I open my mouth to make one final attempt. Instead of giving me a chance to clear my conscience, his other hand slides into my hair and cups the back of my skull, forcing my lips to his. Once his tongue delves inside my mouth, I’m lost on a rising sea of sensation. Before I can fully grasp what’s happening, I’m flipped onto my back as Brayden looms over me. He’s propped up on his elbows so the full weight of his body doesn’t rest on me as his mouth roves hungrily over mine.

Every last thought of doing what’s right vanishes as arousal bursts to life in my core. It licks like fire over every misgiving that has taken up residence inside me. If I’m being completely honest, there’s a tiny part that’s grateful for his hunger. For his forcefulness. It allows me to ignore everything that has been gnawing at me for the last couple of hours. And there any harm to giving in?

What I need more than anything is to feel Brayden’s touch one last time before I reveal the truth and our relationship is forever changed.

I find myself capitulating as my mouth meets his greedy one. My arms rise until my fingers can tangle in his thick hair and hold him close. There’s a desperateness to my movements. I want to hang on to Brayden forever, even though I realize that it’s impossible. It’s doubtful that we’ll make it through the weekend intact.

I understand this, even if he does not.

Instead of fucking me furiously, which is how our sex can be, Brayden slows things down. His kisses become more languid, as if we have all the time in the world to explore. He angles his head one way before tilting it the other. He licks at my mouth, peppering caresses along my chin and throat before sinking lower to my breast. One crested nipple gets drawn into the warmth of his mouth before he showers the same amount of attention on the other. I arch my back, wanting to be as physically close to him as possible.

I can’t help but already mourn this relationship.

No matter how this plays out, nothing will be the same between us. Brayden will never look at me as he does now, and that realization floods me with bitterness. Unaware of the thoughts that are circling through my head, he caresses his way from my rib cage to my belly before settling between my thighs. He presses a kiss against the top of my slit before tonguing my pussy. A whimper escapes from me as I widen my legs. Nothing feels as amazing as his face buried between my thighs.

I wish it were possible to live in this moment, this space, forever. But it’s not. At some point, reality will crash down on both of our heads. As soon as those thoughts attempt to take root inside my brain, I shove them away. If this is the last time we’ll be together, I want to enjoy it to the fullest.

He licks at me, teasing my flesh until I’m arching against his mouth. It doesn’t take much before I’m splintering apart beneath his clever tongue. As I fall back to Earth, he presses a tender kiss against me before crawling up my limp form. With one swift movement, he yanks the boxers down his hips and thighs before kicking off the material until he’s as naked as I am.

Our gazes lock and hold as he slides deep inside my heat. Unlike this morning, there’s no teasing or games. He cages me in with his arms as my legs wrap around his waist, securing his body to mine until we are one. There is an intensity that fills his dark eyes as they stay trained on mine. So much emotion is conveyed in that one look.

Tags: Jennifer Sucevic Romance