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By the time we reach the diner, I’ve given myself a stern talking to. I’m determined to reinforce the walls I’ve always kept in place when it comes to him. I can admit that Brayden isn’t the asshole I originally suspected, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t a player. By his own admission, the guy doesn’t date, he sleeps around.

A lot.

Chasing after the high-profile athletes on campus has never been my thing. Those are the guys I’ve made it a point to steer clear of. I know better than to fall for a player.

Especially when this is nothing more than a farce.

Can you imagine how pathetic that would make me?

I refuse to dwell on the answer.

Brayden holds open the door to the diner as we head inside. I give him a little side-eye in surprise. So far, he’s held open both the car and restaurant doors for me.

He’s laying it on a bit thick, isn’t he?

In addition to playing the part of boyfriend, he’s now also pretending to be the perfect gentleman?

A wide smile spreads across his face before he leans close and whispers, “You might find this difficult to believe, but I wasn’t raised by wolves. My parents did attempt to instill a few manners in me.”

I snort and say sweetly, “Let me guess, you always make sure to dispose of the condom afterward?”

His eyes spark with humor as his shoulders shake with silent laughter. “Yup, every time.” Somehow, he manages to get close enough for his warm breath to drift across the delicate shell of my outer ear. It sends an unwanted flood of sensation skittering down my spine. “FYI, I’m extremely considerate in that department. I have a strict ladies-first rule in the bedroom. You should try it out. It comes with a hundred percent guarantee. If that’s not enough to sway you, just check out my Yelp reviews. I’m extremely highly rated.”

I roll my eyes with abandon. As much as I’m loath to admit it, our playful banter is one of the things I’ve come to enjoy. For obvious reasons, I won’t be disclosing that to him. It would only encourage him, and that’s the last thing I want to do.

Demi and Rowan are already waiting in a booth. My step stutters when I realize that they’re sitting on the same side of the table.


These two.

It’s beginning to feel as if everyone is conspiring against me, including my own roommate.

Brayden waves his hand with a flourish at the red vinyl seat. “Ladies first.”

I narrow my eyes, knowing full well that he’s not alluding to taking a seat. The guy means something else entirely.

A delighted grin simmers around the corners of his lips as I slide onto the vinyl. As soon as my ass hits the red cushioned material, he drops next to me, sitting so close that his thigh presses against mine. Since we’re both wearing shorts, our bare flesh is forced together. If it were possible to scoot over further, I would, but there’s nowhere for me to go. I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Don’t ask which one is which. At this point, not even I’m sure.

A waitress arrives, bringing us four glasses of water before writing down our order. Thankfully, it’s not the one from Sunday morning. I don’t think I could deal with her fangirling over Brayden for a second time. Once was more than enough.

Since I’m starving, I order a burger and fries. Normally, I try to eat healthily, but after all the energy I expended on the field, I’m treating myself. A burger and cheese fries will do the trick rather nicely. Both Rowan and Demi order the same.

For the next ten minutes, we rehash a couple of the plays and then discuss the other team. USC had a lot of good players, ones who will probably go on to play professionally. A couple of them have already signed contracts for the following season. It’s pretty cool to play against and hold my own with women who will end up in the NWSL.

By the time the waitress returns with a tray loaded down with food, my stomach is in the process of consuming its own lining. After she finishes passing out the plates, I realize Brayden didn’t order anything to eat.

“Aren’t you hungry?” I grew up with four brothers who had big appetites. If it wasn’t nailed down, they shoved it in their mouths. In our house, there was no saving something for later. You ate it now or accepted that it would most likely be gone in the not-so-distant future.

“Nah.” One side of his mouth quirks. “I’ll just share with you.”

My brows skyrocket as I shake my head. “Yeah, sorry—that’s not going to happen.” I plan on devouring every last bite. Brayden is in for a rude awakening if he thinks I’m one of those dainty females who picks at her food and barely consumes anything. I can chow down with the best of them.

Tags: Jennifer Sucevic Romance