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I shoot her a look that says—See? It would have been far safer to remain upstairs.

Before either of us can respond, Elle says, “I can’t remember the last time Brayden was in a relationship.” She scrunches her face as if deep in thought. “Maybe junior year of high school? Wasn’t it Clarissa Hodges?”

I drag a hand over my face. This situation is careening further out of control by the second, and it’s my own damn flesh and blood leading the charge. How’s that for a kick in the ass?

“I can’t remember,” I mutter. “Maybe.”

Dropping the subject of my spotty dating history, Elle claps her hands together with unrestrained enthusiasm. “This is so amazing!”

Every time Elle explodes with another burst of excitement, Sydney flinches, her face draining of more color. She looks pale as a ghost. If she wasn’t regretting her impromptu decision to go along with this charade before—and I know damn well that she was—she sure as hell is now. I should probably hustle her ass out of this party before she decides this is way more hassle than it’s worth. Although, by the hunted look on her face, we flew by regret about five minutes ago going ninety down the freeway.

From the corner of my eye, I catch Kira in the crowd, watching us with a frown and watery eyes. If this doesn’t put an end to her single-minded obsession, I don’t know what will. Maybe I’ll have to forget about the NFL and go into hiding for the rest of my life.

“You better believe that we’re going to talk about this later,” Sydney mutters under her breath so only I can hear.

“Smile, love muffin. Act like you couldn’t be more blitzed out of your mind.”

The way her lips lift looks forced and painful. Like she’s constipated.

“Is that the best you can do?”

“It’s the best you’re going to get,” she growls.

I raise my voice, knowing we need to get the hell out of here. “So, we’re gonna—”

“What? You can’t leave yet!” my sister chirps in protest. “I haven’t had a chance to talk with Sydney and get to know her!”

Before I can manufacture an excuse, Elle loops her arm through the blonde’s. “Come on. Let’s grab something to drink and then we can chat. I have a feeling you and I are going to be best friends.”

“Ummm...” Sydney’s pleading gaze locks on mine before she’s dragged away by my younger sibling.

“Hey, make sure to bring her back in one piece, squirt!” I yell after them.

Sydney throws one last confused look over her shoulder as she disappears from the room.

“Well,” Carson says with a snicker, “looks like you jumped from one frying pan straight into another.”

Fuck. He’s right about that.

At this point, all I can do is hope that Sydney doesn’t kick my ass for what I’ve set in motion. We’ve been a couple for less than twenty minutes and our fake relationship has already taken on a life of its own.

Chapter Eleven


There’s a light knock on the bedroom door before it creaks open. Unwilling to surface from this state of slumber just yet, I burrow deeper into my blankets. My subconscious is telling me to stay blissfully ignorant for as long as possible. Over the years, I’ve grown to rely on my instincts. They rarely steer me wrong. Unless it has to do with guys. Then all bets are off.

“Syd?” Demi whispers. “Are you awake?”


“No,” I grumble, flipping onto my side so that my back is turned toward her. Hopefully, Demi will take the hint and leave. I love this girl like a sister, but not at the butt crack of dawn. “Go away.”

Instead of doing exactly that, she settles on the edge of the mattress. “So...last night was pretty crazy, huh?”

Last night?

What’s she talking about?

My brain is barely functioning at the moment.

“Whatdoyoumean?” My words come out all slurred together.

There’s a pause before she says carefully, “You and Brayden.”

Is it possible that Demi consumed more than I thought she did and is still smashed from the party last night? Although that’s unlikely. My roommate doesn’t really drink. A beer or two at the most. She likes to stay in control. Plus, her father is Nick Richards, head football coach for the Western Wildcats. She doesn’t want any unsavory gossip making its way back to him. Can’t say I blame her for it. Demi has been the topic of the rumor mill here at Western enough times to know how damaging it can be.

If she’s not drunk, then maybe I’m the one who got a little too crazy. Wouldn’t be the first time and probably won’t be the last.

Wait a minute...did she just utter my name with Brayden’s in the same sentence?

Why would—

Oh, shit.

That’s when everything from last night crashes back into my brain at warp speed.


The crazy fangirl who won’t leave him alone.

Tags: Jennifer Sucevic Romance