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Jacob showed off some impressive multitasking, pushing Linc’s thermal shirt up while they continued to kiss, hands roaming all over Linc’s sides and back. Two could play at that game, so Linc worked a hand under Jacob’s layers of hoodie and T-shirt, connecting with warm, bare skin for the first time. He tried to memorize the planes of Jacob’s back, the smooth muscles, the scoop of his spine, the definition of his shoulders.

“Fuck.” Nuzzling Linc’s neck, Jacob licked his way across Linc’s jaw to his ear, a spot that was usually more ticklish than turn-on for him, but right as he opened his mouth to tell him that, Jacob raked his teeth over the tender flesh and proved him dead wrong.

“Do that again,” he commanded, voice rough.

“What? This?” Jacob repeated the gesture, making Linc shiver. “Bet I can do you one better.”

Before Linc could figure out what he was about, Jacob sank to his knees in a smooth movement. Right there on the tile entryway floor. Jacob on his knees, hands already undoing the fly of Linc’s jeans. It was a wonder Linc didn’t come from the sight alone. He hadn’t bothered with a belt, something he was grateful for right then as it meant faster access for Jacob’s deft fingers.

“Hell. I always figured you were hung, but damn.” Jacob whistled under his breath as he withdrew Linc’s cock, shoving his jeans and boxer briefs out of the way. “This cool?”

“Like I’m gonna say no.” Head falling back, Linc groaned, a sound which deepened as Jacob licked all over his shaft. Little teasing flicks which drove him crazy and had his hips rocking even before Jacob reached his cockhead. Keeping with the light approach, Jacob laved it all over with the broad side of his tongue making Linc curse. “Fucking hell. Do it already.”

“I am.” Jacob batted his eyelashes, all false innocence as he continued torturing Linc with the lightest of flicks and strokes of his calloused fingers, which felt a thousand times better than Linc’s own familiar touch. He needed to come before he passed out from wanting, but he refused to beg, settling for soft moans that he couldn’t hold in.

Taking it to the next level of warfare, Jacob sucked little kisses all over the shaft, almost, but not quite, taking the head in.

“Okay, okay.” Linc gave in with a full-body shudder. “Please. Fuck. Jacob. Please.”

“Well, since you asked so nicely...” Pulling back, he grinned up at Linc. He knew exactly what he was doing, damn it. And he didn’t seem in all that much hurry, taking a moment to undo his own jeans. But all was forgiven when he finally took pity on Linc and took him deep, a wet, hot suction that was as close to perfect as anything else in Linc’s life. No teeth, but a devious, active tongue that made every retreat a revelation. A slight brush against his calf made him glance down to where Jacob was stroking his own cock with lazy, left-handed strokes while he sucked Linc.

“Holy fuck.” He groaned as he watched the unexpectedly hot show—Jacob’s mouth stretched around his cock, eyes squished shut, hand on Linc’s hip steadying him, other hand stroking his tasty-looking cock. “Swear I’m good for returning the favor if you slow down. Or hell, let me get you off first.”

“Nuh-uh.” Jacob pulled back long enough to protest. “I want to come with your cock in my mouth. I thought about it the whole way over, you fucking my face until we both come.”

“Jesus. You keep talking like that and me going first isn’t going to be an issue.”

“Yeah. Knew you’d like that idea.” Jacob managed a confident laugh before diving back onto Linc’s cock, switching hands on his own so that his strokes were more purposeful now, matching the bob of his head. Experimentally, Linc rocked forward. Plenty of guys said they were cool with face fucking, but in his admittedly not huge experience, most liked to stay in control of the depth and speed of thrusts.

But Jacob made a needy, hungry sound, yanking Linc’s hip, exaggerating the movement until Linc got the idea and started thrusting in earnest. Jacob moaned around Linc’s cock on every upstroke, little sounds that were every bit as devastating as the action of his mouth. At a certain point, Linc gave up trying to control this or even hope of trying to time things perfectly, instead simply riding the wave of sensations. Jacob’s mouth, hot and urgent. The bite of his fingers on Linc’s waist. His sounds. The slap of his hand on his dick. Linc found the more he let go, the easier it was to read Jacob’s signals, tell when he wanted more air or when he wanted Linc to go harder, his moans intensifying, carrying Linc closer and closer to the edge.

Tags: Annabeth Albert Hotshots M-M Romance