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"I can feed myself, Daniel."

"Humor me."

She rolled her eyes and opened her mouth. I watched as she bit into the steak, her red lips glistening with the oils from the meat. My love was a carnivore, of that I had no doubt.


There it was again. That word I'd been avoiding saying, almost since I met her. Avoiding even thinking it.

I fed her another bike of steak and picked up a french fry.

"Ketchup or mayo?"

"Neither. Balsamic.”

I grinned at her and splashed some vinegar onto the fries. Then I held one to her lips. I watched as she nibbled the fry daintily. When she got to my finger, she bit it.

In an instant hot, fully formed lust shot through my body. I was always on a low simmer around her. All it took was one little bite to send me into overdrive.

I handed her the fork and let her feed herself. She shrugged and leaned forward on my lap. Perfect.

Just what I needed. I pulled my pants open and pushed up her slinky little chemise.


I nuzzled her neck as I rubbed my cock against her.

"Should I stop?"

She didn't hesitate. She shook her head 'no'.

"Keep eating. I'll just... stay here until you are done."

She moaned as I slowly pushed my way inside her. She was soaking wet and ready for me. I held her hips in place as I settled her back onto my lap.

"Chew slowly. I don't want you to choke."

"Hmmm... Aren't you hungry?"


I bit her shoulder and then kissed the same spot. I didn't need food. I needed this.

I needed her.

She laughed breathlessly as we sat there, having the strangest, most erotic dinner ever. I could wait for food. The way she felt on top of me... that I could not wait for.

I felt her body quiver around me. I laughed. I was pretty sure there was no food involved with tantric sex. I'd read that holding still inside a woman could bring her unbelievable pleasure. I planned to find out.

Or at least I hoped I'd be able to hold still long enough to find out.

I'd read up on a lot of things the past few days. Like I said, I had plans.

"Are you finished?"

She nodded.


I pulled her chemise off of her and leaned her back against me. I spread her thighs open on top of me and started to run my hands over her bare flesh, again and again. Her breasts, her stomach, her thighs. Just a little touch here and there on the sensitive nib between her glorious legs.

Still, I did not move.

She was making little mewling sounds as she started to move on top of me. Tiny little circles with her hips... delicious internal ripples massaging my cock inside her. Her back arched as I caressed her breasts, molding them with my hands.

Francesca bucked in my hands so I held her still, pushing her hips backwards. I wouldn't let either of us move. Not until I knew if the theory was true.

I needed every weapon I had to make her mine. Unbelievable pleasure was just the tip of the iceberg. I needed to learn how her body responded so I could play it like a virtuoso.

I was more than happy to spend time practicing...

She was breathing heavily when I finally reached down and lightly circled my thumb over her clit.

Then it happened.

Francesca started to writhe on top of me, her body shaking uncontrollably. Her pussy squeezed me so hard it almost hurt. Unbelievable pleasure spiraled from her body to mine as she came. Her mouth was open but no sound came out. It was almost too intense for a moment as she froze on top of me.

Then she inhaled sharply and the sexiest damn sound I'd heard in my life came out of her gorgeous mouth.

"Unnffff... Daniel... please!"

I couldn't have waited another second if I tried. Nothing could have stopped me from taking her, using her, riding her as thoroughly as possible. It's a good thing I didn't try.

I started to drive up and into her, my body completely out of my own control. I lost my rhythm almost immediately as I felt my balls tighten.

One thrust.



Light exploded behind my eyes as I experienced the most Earth shattering orgasm of my life. Well, the most earth shattering since the last one I had. Which had also been with Francesca. Just a few hours ago. Each one was more intense than the last. Just like all the orgasms I'd had with her.

The coincidence was not lost on me.

It was all her. I’d met my match at last. I’d seen the light.

We sprawled in the chair as our breathing slowed. I wanted to have her again. But I also wanted to get her home where I could keep an eye on her.

"Come on, let's get cleaned up."

She nodded, pliant as a doll as I carried her into the enormous marble hotel bathroom.

Tags: Joanna Blake Romance