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I was tired of playing games.

So was she apparently.

She methodically finished her drink and then stood and left without a backward glance.

A moment later the bartender brought over my check. I looked at him. I'd already paid.

"Open it."

I glanced at him before opening the leather folder.

A room key was inside with the room number scrawled on a napkin.

"You're one lucky son of a bitch."

"Yes, I am."

I smiled to myself. Leave it to Francesca to invite and entice without lifting a finger. She’d made one of her countless suitors do it for her. I lifted my club soda and sipped it, smiling.

"She's been here for three nights, ignoring every guy that tried to talk to her. They all sent her drinks. One even offered her money. A couple grand."

I choked back a laugh. A stunningly sensual woman alone at a bar? I wonder how Francesca had taken being mistaken for a high priced prostitute.

"Be nice to her, man. She seems kind of sad."

I nodded. I'd noticed that too. Something about her was so vulnerable, sitting there all alone with her perfectly straight back. She looked like she might break. It made me want to take care of her. Protect her.

Well, after I was done fucking her straight into next Tuesday.

"Like she's lost, or something."

"I will. Thanks."

I tossed a hundred on the table and stood. I hadn't had a drink in days. Hadn’t even wanted one. Not since I'd sobered up. Jake's story had done that for me. Given me a mission. I needed a clear mind and endurance for what I had in mind.

I rode the elevator to the penthouse in pensive silence. I had a plan in place. I was going to make Miss Francesca Duarte see reason.

I was going to make her mine.

Chapter Eighteen


I could no longer fight him. I could not fight myself. It was time to give in, and let the chips fall where they may.

Just once more. Once more so I could put him out of my mind for good. Out of my mind and out of my heart.

There was a soft click as the key turned in the lock.

I didn't turn as Daniel entered the suite. I was staring out the window at the tail end of the sunset. I watched him in the reflection as he closed the door and came to stand behind me.

"I suppose you deserve something for your tenacity."

He stared at me in the glass, not saying a word. I took one last look at the skyline and turned, about to lay the ground rules. Just this one last time. No talking. He would leave in the morning and never come back.

I had it all laid out in my mind clear as a bell.

That's before I found myself pressed up against the wall of mullioned windows, one thigh lifted high as he plunged his tongue into my mouth. He ground his hard cock into me, going from zero to sixty in less than an instant. I tried to get my bearings but he wouldn't let up. His fingers worked their magic on my nipples, his mouth on mine, his grinding cock pressed hard between my thighs.

My skirt was already around my waist. His hands made short work of my panties, actually tearing them off of me. Then I heard the zipper of his pants.

I felt the bare head of his cock pressing against my folds.

I groaned. It felt so good... but it was too risky. I felt strangely unconcerned.


"Be quiet."

I gasped as he rubbed his cock over me again and again, not trying to get inside. He just teased me with the silky hardness of his thick tip. His hands held my ass firmly in place as he edged me mercilessly.

"Do you want this, Francesca?"

I moaned incoherently. I did want it. More than I would have thought possible.

"Do you?"

He bit my neck and I whimpered in need.


He grinned at me.


I gasped as I felt the handcuffs lock into place.

"What are you–"

"Shhhh... be a good girl and everything will be fine."

Outrage and desire collided inside me as he manhandled me. He carried me to the bed, hooking my bound wrists over the head board. He stared at me as he slowly peeled his clothes off. I licked my lips at the sight of his broad shoulders and flat lean stomach. His cock sprang into view as he kicked his pants off.

"Actually, be a bad girl. I prefer you that way. Just be my bad girl."

I was panting as he crawled onto the bed, staring down at me. His skin glowed. He looked like a bronze statue you would see in Rome.

I knew suddenly that he was going to make me suffer like an Ancient Roman. He was proud and merciless, just like they had been. I bit my lip, suddenly nervous about whatever he had in mind. Not that he would hurt me. I knew Daniel would never do that.

Tags: Joanna Blake Romance