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I was shaking as my cock pulsed inside her. She was massaging me from the inside as her body pulled me up and into her. Her eyes were closed as I stared down at the brazen beauty beneath me.

Slowly the shivering stopped. I kissed her cheeks and neck, nuzzling her until she laughed. I felt relief flood my body at the sound.

"You surprise me, Daniel."

I grinned, pulling the condom off and staring down at her. I reached for the second condom and started to roll in on to my already stiffening cock. Her eyes were wide as she watched me.

I grinned at her as I ran my hands over her body.

"I'm about to surprise you again."

Chapter Twelve


Dear God in heaven, had anyone ever made me feel this way?

I could not believe what this man was doing to me. This arrogant, beautiful man with his magic touch. He wasn't done with me yet, apparently. Not by a long shot.

Delicious shivers went through me as he turned me over. I faced the wall, my hands reaching forward to steady myself.

I felt the tip of his perfect cock as it pressed against my lips. I waited to see what he would do. I knew already he wanted to own me. To have me whenever he wanted. I could tell by the way he touched me. Possessively, passionately and yet very, very carefully. He did not want to hurt me with his rough need.

And I was powerless to resist him.

Not when he made me feel this way. A way I'd never felt before. I'd had several boyfriends before my three year relationship with Philipe. Nothing had ever come close to this... ecstasy.

Daniel wrapped his hand into my braid and pulled. I gasped as I slid backward and he stayed immobile. He grunted behind me as he slowly tugged my hair, forcing me onto his cock. He put one hand on my hip and guided me part of the way off of him. Then he pulled my hair again.

I whimpered as he used my hair to bring me onto his cock again and again. He wasn't fucking me. He was making me fuck him. I was almost completely passive, held immobile in his grip. I couldn't wiggle away from his hard strong hands.

Not that I wanted to.

He grunted in pleasure as he worked me on his cock. He murmured something. A word of encouragement. He said it again.

This time I understood him.


He used his hand to spread my ass. I knew he was looking at me. At us, where we joined. I was open for him in every way now. I whimpered again as I started to peak. He didn't slow down or speed up though, he just continued the deep steady motion of pushing and pulling me on and off his shaft.

I felt like a rag doll as I started to convulse against the rough wool blanket. My hands lost their grip and I slumped forward. He released my hair at last, his back curving over me.

He took a breast in each hand as he began to fuck me at last. Faster now. His breath fanned the back of my neck where my hair tangled in my ruined braid. He pinched my nipples as he drove into me again and again.

He was relentless as he fucked me. I was coming again already, his cock piercing me like a spear. I was a mass of sensations, losing all sense of myself. Time and place ceased to exist as he brought me yet another earth shattering orgasm.

"Ah ah ah AHHHH!"

He chuckled as he continued, one hand covering my mouth to stifle the sound. I screamed into his huge hand as he scooped his hips, driving all the way into me. As deep as he could possibly go. And then he froze.

He stayed there, letting me writhe all over his cock. He waited until the tremors slowed. Then he began again.

Twice more he brought me to orgasm and twice he made me come alone. I was on the verge of tears when I felt him start to grow inside me. He growled as his hands found my hips. His callused palms seemed to swallow my fleshy hips as he swelled inside me.


He paused for a split second. Then he thrashed. I exhaled sharply as another orgasm tore through my exhausted body. He leaned his forehead against my back as he came, the force of the explosion so strong I could feel it through the condom.


He stayed inside me for the longest time. Slowly he extricated himself from me. But not before I felt him starting to rise again.

He was grinning as he turned me over to kiss me.

"I should have brought more. Unless you are feeling lucky?"

He looked so hopeful. As if I would risk pregnancy with a man I had just met. I could barely meet his eyes as I reached for my clothing. He had shaken me to my core.

Tags: Joanna Blake Romance