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“Men, conceptually, are canceled,” Libby said to her knees. “This Society? Founded by men, I guarantee it. Kill someone for initiation? A man’s idea. Totally male.” She pursed her lips. “Theoretically, men are a disaster. As a concept, I unequivocally reject them.”

“If only you meant that,” drawled Nico, who was blindfolded for the moment. He grew easily bored, which Libby had already known, though it was different to have to actually live with it. She was starting to feel a bit of sympathy for Gideon, who had always looked exhausted during their four years at NYUMA. He must have had his hands full having a roommate who wouldn’t stop for anything, least of all the sun.

At present, Nico was throwing knives. Something about being prepared for any possible invasion, which Libby reminded him they already were. More likely he felt agitated about having a situation he couldn’t control, and therefore felt the need to stab it.

He held out a hand, feeling around the forces in the room.

“Levitate it,” he said. “The lamp.”

“Don’t break the lamp, Varona.”

“I’ll fix it.”

“Will you?”

“Yes,” he said impatiently.

Libby rolled her eyes, then focused on the forces of gravity surrounding it. She wished, not for the first time, that she could see things as Tristan saw them. She had never wondered before whether she should question what her eyes were promising her, but now it was all she ever did. She could feel Nico’s magic now like waves, invisible. He was stretching out his range, uncoiling it. He could tell where things were in the room just by filling it, taking up the volume of what he and Libby only saw as emptiness.

Relativity. In reality, there were pieces there, little particles of something that made up all that nothing. Tristan could see them. Libby couldn’t.

She hated that.

“Stop,” said Nico. “You’re changing the air again.”

“I’m not changing the air,” Libby said. “I can’t do that.”

Tristan probably could.

“Stop,” said Nico again, and the vase shattered. The knife remained in his hand.

“Congratulations,” Libby muttered, and Nico tore off his blindfold, giving her a look of total agitation.

“What happened with Fowler?”

She bristled. “Why does everything have to be about Ezra?”

Nico’s shrugged. “I don’t like him.”

“Oh no,” Libby lamented facetiously. “Whatever will I do without your approval?”

“Rhodes. For fuck’s sake.” Nico tossed the knife aside, beckoning her to her feet. “Come on. It’ll be like the NYUMA game.”

“Stop,” she said. “I don’t want to play with you. Go find another toy.”

“What happened?” he asked again.

Nothing. “We broke up.”

“Okay, and…?”

“That’s it.” Like she said. Nothing.

“Uh,” said Nico. He had a particular gift for making one sound mimic an entire musical performance about the interminable nature of suffering.

Tags: Olivie Blake The Atlas Fantasy