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Her mouth dropped open. ‘Oh.’

He took a large sip of wine. ‘Sí. Oh.’

She shook her head. ‘I didn’t mean oh like that. I mean, I’m the last person who should be shocked...’ She stopped and frowned. ‘If Alejandro’s asked you to be his best man, then your relationship with him must be good—so your past circumstances can’t matter that much to him?’

Gael recalled their last fraught meeting. Recognised that this time all the tension had been his alone. Although Alejandro had resisted at first, lately he’d been much more open—most likely thanks to the influence of his fiancée, who was open-hearted and open-armed about embracing new family, seeing as her own family situation was lacking.

‘The relationship isn’t without its challenges, but it’’

‘So it’s progressive now, but you think that relationship will fail too?’ she pressed.

He frowned. ‘There are always adverse factors at play.’

‘And you intend to take those adverse factors lying down, just like you do with your businesses?’ she asked lightly as she cut into a piece of chicken.

‘I have never failed at a business venture,’ he quipped.

‘So why are you prepared to write off a sound relationship and watch it fail without putting in as much effort as you would into a business venture?’ she parried.

His smile felt as cynical as his soul. ‘Because business is conducted and thrives without the single detrimental component that damns us all.’

‘And what’s that?’

‘Useless emotion.’

Her fork stilled and her eyes widened. ‘You think emotions are useless?’

‘They’re more harmful than useless. They cloud judgement and ruin lives.’

Gael knew he’d been unable to hold back the bitterness ravaging him when her face clouded with something close to sympathy.

Goldie shook her head. ‘How do you...? I don’t understand.’

He gritted his teeth, tried to stem the words that seemed determined to spill. And failed. ‘You recall your little story about infidelity and alcoholism?’

‘Of course,’ she said.

‘The former has been the story of my life—what my building blocks are based on. I left Seville over ten years ago and thought I was free of it. Turns out I’m not.’

‘Your mother?’ she queried cautiously.

A vice tightened around his chest. ‘And Alejandro’s married father. Version two point zero.’

Anxiety darted across her face at his tone. Her fingers toyed with her water glass before she asked, ‘Does Alejandro know? Does his mother know?’

He laughed harshly. ‘Alejandro knows. He seems to have found a way to accept it, but I haven’t been so fortunate. As for his mother—yes, she knows. Most likely she enjoys the chaos associated with it. They all seem to thrive on it, in fact.’

Enlightenment whispered over her face. ‘That’s what you were talking about that night? What you meant when you referred to—?’

‘Toxic relationships? Sí, Goldie mia. When it comes to those types of relationships I am vastly knowledgeable.’

Her expressive eyes shadowed. ‘I’m so sorry.’

Gael frowned, wondering why those two words sank deep inside him, attempted to soothe a place he’d believed was too mauled by past pain to be still alive. The sensation was so alien it robbed him of breath and speech.

Thankfully the butler arrived with their dessert course. Gael refused the sweet platter in favour of an espresso, hoping the caffeine would clear his head and put a stay on his runaway tongue.

Goldie’s cheesecake was set before her with a flourish that drew a small smile from her. He nodded his thanks when his drink was handed to him.

Tags: Maya Blake Rival Brothers Billionaire Romance