“Are you tired?” I whisper to her as a group of her cousins pass us.

“I’m too excited to be tired.” She looks up at me and her eyes are so big and bright. She’s like a kid at Disney right now and I can’t say I blame her. She had stacks of photo albums she’d created since she was a little girl about the wedding of her dreams, and it may have taken a while but she finally got to live it out.

We’re ushered over to the head table where we take our seats in front of everyone. The wedding, which started as small and intimate, has turned into a celebration with everyone we’ve ever met. I didn’t care who she asked to come, as long as she was going to be walking to me and saying yes. I’ve never seen her so drunk on power before and it was kind of adorable. It makes me want to have another wedding all over again just to see her like this.

“Eat,” I say as I push a plate of food towards her and she takes it from me.

“I’m starving,” she says as I grab my fork and start feeding her.

“You didn’t eat today?” I ask, irritated. “I had food delivered every hour especially.”

“Have I told you how much I love you?” she says as she laughs and leans forward to kiss me. “I got all the food and snacks you sent. It’s just been a long day and I’m hungry again.”

“I’ll have them bring you another plate,” I say, flagging down the wedding coordinator.

“Marco,” she hisses but doesn’t stop me when I ask for seconds to be brought over.

“I won’t have my baby going hungry,” I say as I rest my hand on her belly.

She looks at me and bites her lip and I can see she’s hungry for more than food. She wanted to stay in separate houses last night but I couldn’t do it. I ended up sneaking into her parents’ house and into bed with her late last night and had to leave early this morning so I wouldn’t get caught.

“I didn’t get enough time with you last night,” I say in a low voice.

Suddenly someone comes over the microphone and I remember we’re in a room full of people. All I want to do is get her out of here and take her to bed, but I have to remind myself that this is her night, too.

One of her aunts is going on about how clumsy she was as a toddler and how Gia sang karaoke at their lake house when she was ten. I’m sure they’re all great stories, but I don’t hear a word of it because Gia’s hand has begun to move up my thigh and onto my cock.

Her fingers softly and slowly brush over my hard length. She’s teasing me under the table in a room full of people when she knows I can’t carry her out of here.

“Oh look!” she says excitedly as she squeezes me harder. “Jason is here with his girl.”

“You’re playing with fire,” I say, grabbing her wrist to still her motions.

“Just trying to enjoy the moment,” she says and winks at me.

That’s the same thing I told her this morning when I was between her legs. If she wanted me on edge she’s doing a great job of getting me there.

“You keep teasing me and you’re going to end up in a coat closet with that wedding dress trussed up.”

Her cheeks flush and she looks down at my lap and I see her tongue run along her lips.

“Would that be so bad?” I’m holding her hand, but her fingers still manage to move and instead of pulling it away, I press it harder against me.

“It’s your wedding day, so you tell me.” I stand up and pull her in front of me to hide my hard cock. “You want to consummate this marriage while three hundred of your closest friends and family wait on us to cut the cake?”

“They won’t even know we’re gone.” She smiles up at me in challenge and I wrap my arms around her waist.

“Oh, they’ll know.” I pick her up and carry her out of the room with a few people shouting from behind us. “I just don’t give a fuck.”

“Have I told you I love you?” she says with a laugh.

“Yeah, but I’ll never get tired of hearing it.”

We’re late to cutting the cake, tossing the bouquet, and the first dances. But what the bride wants, the bride gets and she gets it over and over tonight.



Five years later…

“Crap,” I whisper too loudly when my phone starts to ring in my hand.

I thought I’d put it on silent but I must have forgotten. I was using it for a flashlight until Caroline’s name came across the screen. I called her a few hours ago but she was busy. Busy doing her husband from what it sounded like before the line went dead. I knew not to call back. She’d call when she got a moment and I know the feeling. We both have houses full of kids running underfoot. When you have a stolen moment with your husband, you take it.

Tags: Alexa Riley Virgin Marriage Erotic